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A member registered Jul 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for giving it a play! We think we've addressed the lag issue and a new version should be available soon. :)

Thanks so much for playing! It was an absolute delight to watch her figure things out, and her reactions were absolutely priceless. :) The team worked really hard to put this together and we're so happy to see people enjoy it. We appreciate the feedback as well!

Thanks! :)

For sure! We'll definitely address that, and thanks for giving it another go! :)

That is a shame! You're the third person to have a crash, and we're looking into what might be causing that. It is strange, as there does not yet seem to be a pattern in determining the cause. Thanks for trying it out! Hopefully after the event we can upload a reformed version. 

Thanks for checking it out! We're looking into that. Most people don't seem to have any problems whatsoever, but one other person experienced a crash as well. Hopefully you'll check it out again after the jam and update! :)

Thanks for the feedback, and for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and taking the time to leave a comment! :) The silent story telling was a style choice that we felt really helped to carry the concept. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks, Drifty! We're glad you were enjoying it, and we'll certainly check into what is going on there.  This was the first game jam for two of our members and they had a blast! Appreciate the feedback!

Hello, and thanks for posting! We did discover a lag issue on that map, but I don't think it's stopped the game for anyone thus far. Super unfortunate! We've identified the issue though and it will be resolved once the jam ends. Thanks so much for playing, and we do hope you'll try it out again later. 😊

Thanks for the feedback! We think we've identified the lag issue as more to do with a plugin than the events, but we're certainly going to rectify that after the jam ends. We'll also look at all the collision again and make sure the tiles are setup consistently. Appreciate the playthrough!

Thanks for the playthrough and the feedback! Yes, we think Hiddenone has tracked down the culprit with the lag and we will look at getting that corrected in a future release. Glad you liked it! :)

Really glad you liked it, and thanks for the comment! That emote was the boy's house. :)

Awww, sorry to make you cry! Glad to hear you enjoyed the game though. Walwal is an exceptional artist, and Ellery's music really added the perfect touch. Once Hiddenone got everything evented, it just came together really well. Thanks for playing! We really appreciate it! :)

We'll definitely take a look at that. Thanks for playing! 

So glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback.

Definitely my favorite one so far. Might say I was even a bit of a...glutton...for it? Amazing job.

This was absolutely amazing. Loved every second of it and honestly could find no real issue, other than the fact that the 8 shards remain in your inventory even after giving them to the witch. This was super clever, and a ton of fun! Definitely getting my vote. Well done! 

Very cute original characters. I played for about 40 minutes, and the battle curve is definitely sharp! xD I managed to cure three companion stars and I enjoyed the mechanic of getting to recruit enemies from the field to join your party. I wasn't able to use a lot of support items outside of combat, such as potions, revives, etc, but that may be intentional? I did alright in the forest, but definitely was NOT ready for the volcano. xD