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A member registered Apr 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Glad you think of the demo that way, Max! But yes, this is just a proof-of-concept, vertical slice, tip of the iceberg stuff :) We're just getting started, stay tuned!

Thanks for playing, Dreamcatcher! You got some mighty bad luck there xD. Hope we could see you get a good end too!

Thanks Tofu! We can't wait to show you guys either!

Hey there, arceus, thought you'd like to know that we're coming out of cryo-freeze (aka hiatus) in order to finish the demo for NaNo 2019 :D I'll keep ya posted my man, hope you're doing well and still interested in our project  :)

Hey there arceus! Sorry about that, we didn't expect things to take this long either D:

While playtesting we came across a huge bug that deformed all our sprites and deleted about 40% of the script. Currently, I'm planning to go over and meet with the team personally to try and fix everything.

We could release 1.2.ALPHA with a beauty patch in the near future, but we're also thinking about just releasing everything in one go instead of fixing the Do Not Love in increments.

Don't worry, we'll post a devlog once the next update drops, and I'll message you personally so you don't miss out!

Thanks for the support ^_^ we're working our best to get this up and running ASAP :D