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A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow thank you so much all of these are great <3
I especially love award ceremony. It should be obvious for Sport theme, but I really didn't thought about that, and now I am in love with that idea!
I feel now much more confident about my game, I feel I have better understanding of Academy stage now hah :D
Once again thank you very much

Hi Spectres! 

(I am sorry for my grammar english is not my first langue)

My group decided to on sport world tendencies. They really like sport themes, godzila type threats, and overall esthetic. I was one who liked these things too, but I have a question about it. 

Do you have any ideas/inspirations for the scenes in "academy" stage of play? I feel like it is harder to come up with scene ideas when characters are not in literal academy together. 

I would be greatful for any help :D 

Second floppy bird is easier because it tests your reaction time not your patience. I liked this game green retro eastetic is always pleasing for me. 

ahh ok my bad 

(I will delete this after reply)

Download button leads to google drive. Was that intentional?

I just wanna say that i adore this art style

Thanks for all the advice. :) they are all great. I will remember and use them all. I plan to do my own task and setting, but I will use all the rules and advice. Thanks so much for google sheat we actually want to play online so it will be a great help.

i will be propably hosting this game in few weeks and system looks awesome! I wil write my feedback about system when i finished playing. Do you have any advice when running Shepards?

I wana use this program so much but i just cant. My keybord is super loud alone. :/

I literly burst in laught when i seen cleric with holy sprayer

Hi! See that original laungue is polish. Where coud i find this game original form?

Im realy recomend this one for:

a)Intresting aproach to character creation. Focusing on max 4 detailed memories helps decribe your character much more than non detailed long history.

b) just for fun. I personaly love just creating stories. 

I pesonaly folow rules of this game very lightly but i love how its help set direction.