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Tanktot Games

A member registered May 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Did not know this. Been a while since I've started using GMS. Thanks!

(2 edits)

The extension works great when I'm doing simple GML with no regards to the view but when I add view variables particularly the variables containing the height and width of the view it seems to stop working and vanishes, whenever I update it. The thing that was once displayed is no longer displayed when the function is updated.

For an example the following code in the draw_gui event:

if (live_call()) return live_result;
draw_sprite(spr_castbar_background, 0, 128, view_hview[0] - 48);
draw_sprite_part(spr_castbar_foreground, 0, 0, 0, 256 * (1 - alarm[0] / base_tilling_speed), 32, 128, view_hview[0] - 48);
draw_text(128 + (256 - string_width("Tilling"))/2, (view_hview[0] - 48) + (32 - string_height("Tilling"))/2, "Tilling");

It draws and works fine until I update it where the once drawn "cast bar" is no longer able to be seen. The code was updating fine until I added the variable view_hview[0]. After I added that variable to be relative to the screen it no longer updates correctly and just vanishes whenever I update the function after the initial compilation.


Here's how I'm defining my camera variables in a step event:

var camera = view_get_camera(0);
camera_set_view_size(camera, view_wport[0], view_hport[0]);
view_wview[0] = camera_get_view_width(0);
view_hview[0] = camera_get_view_height(0);
view_yview[0] += (obj_player.y-(view_hview[0]/2) - view_yview[0]) * 0.1;
view_xview[0] += (obj_player.x-(view_wview[0]/2) - view_xview[0]) * 0.3;
camera_set_view_pos(camera, view_xview[0], view_yview[0]);


Noslrac is a 2D action-RPG that includes four different and unique classes with their own playstyle and tools.  Each and every class has their own unique talent tree, which they can go whatever route they choose every other level. Noslrac has an infinite amount of items to be dropped and to be acquired, meaning you can always improve. With three difficulties you get to choose how hard or how easy you want the game to be.

In Noslrac you get to explore vast regions and slay monsters who stray into your path.  You can do whatever your heart desires.

You can download Noslrac here: