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A member registered May 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey there! 
Finally got around to trying the Demo! 
I loved it. You've got a great game here.

Esthetically, the art and interface all match and has a whimsical, eerie, surreal effect that matches the tone of the story. Great job! 

The pacing is done very well. The dialogue and information fit well and was easy to read and the information provided in each section was just enough to make me want to keep clicking. 

The story itself was impressive! It kept me guessing what might have happened, what the story was about, who I am, and what all these strange things were that the MC wouldn't tell me about. The cliffhanger at the end made a great way to "close" the demo but also leave us wanting more and to play the full version. I need answers! Vague yet informative. Gives us just enough info to tease without releasing everything and we know exactly the vibe, type of gameplay, and random goodies that will eventually be revealed. 

It is too bad it's not a browser game, as I would probably have played this sooner if it was. I try not to download a lot of things to my computer in general. I know that might be a RENPY limitation though. So, after this main version is finished, I would suggest perhaps even a mobile app version that you can end up monetizing. 

Overall, 100% amazing job and I wish you luck in the competition! I have no doubt it will make it to the top 32. Kudos!