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A member registered Apr 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thank you for playing our idle game!

For null pointer exceptions, we will fix them immediately, would you mind providing a bit more information about which part is missing? 

And for aiming, we had limited directions of turrets and had a cooldown on them(so zombies won't die so fast....), plus we didn't have time to develop a full firing animation, so it might be less obvious to see when the turret is attacking or not. We tried to make zombies turn red when being attacked as a way to show turret attacking. We are sorry about...  

Thank you again for providing the information, really appreciated!

Thank you very much! We used to be using 2D stage only and later we decided to change, which turns out to work well with the theme and so. :)

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for the critique! 

And yes, we do realize that it is a bit inconvenient for our players to use A D, and E at the same time.

We will take that in mind in the future.

Thank you for playing the game!

Thank you very much! 

Thank you very much for playing our game! 

We do like to extend the game in the future for more puzzles (walls, platforms, and enemies), however, we might not be able to have time for it. So we cannot guarantee any date to make the extension. 

Sorry about disappointing you ;(

Hi, Do you still have room for another programmer? I would like to join and I can help with programming and learn some level design as well.