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A member registered Oct 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi, are you aware that the current license means the assets can't be used in commercial projects? CC-BY-SA4.0 is probably what you're after.

You might remember, I commented on your other work (portraits) last month about CC-BY-SA being bad for games, I've since learned that thankfully that's fine for video games, but the NC (non-commercial) versions of CC-BY and CC-BY-SA definitely put a hamper on ambitions :)

Once again, thanks for creating and making available such beautiful assets

Your work is so consistently beautiful, I have no words. Thank you once again

Thanks! I am especially looking forward to using the portraits and thrones, but everything you've uploaded is really well done, good job

Hi, all the assets in the bundle look great and would love to use them, but CC-BY-SA license for games means you can't actually sell them, you'd have to distribute your game for free under the same license.

If you want people to be able to use this in commercial projects, I recommend using the CC-BY license instead

Thank you :)

Fixed the screenshots, thanks for the heads up.

Didn't want to spoil the potions lol, but here you go:

Rage -> for a short time, you can walk through walls and destroy them

Shrink -> Shrinks your body by 3 pieces

Blink -> Move to the indicated spot, you can use this to bypass walls or even wrap around the screen

Ghost -> Go into Ghost form, allowing you to pass through one obstacle and then it breaks, so you can pass through walls or even wrap around the screen