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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like the simplicity of the game as well as the different ways the player can progress as they spend more time on the game. The sprites and the hand drawn characters and backgrounds really fit in with each other and I like how there is a goal for the player to reach throughout playing the game. It really feels like something that is polished enough to be on the app store.

I enjoyed playing this game without the worry of clicking on some buttons or making use of a joystick. I liked how the game took a different approach in that storytelling and immersion were the front and center of the game and from my experience playing it, the game certainly has lots of elements that support this.  I believe with more different endings and choices, the game could evolve into a tale that players would try to keep on playing to find out all the different endings or have their friends play to see what choices they would make. 

I really how you expanded upon the previous version of the project by adding not only a more polished wall jumping method, but also adding bosses and making the game more fast-paced. The game not only feels like it pays tribute to Metroid but also has itself an identity. With more levels and more enemies that have unique abilities or movements, this game is definitely something worth putting on the app store.

I really like the aesthetic of the game where it is a zombie shooter and a survival game. The game not only has a well-established theme but the setting itself builds this up where the player character has to traverse deserts or forests in order to make it out alive. I also enjoyed being able to upgrade the player's character and I feel like I am getting stronger as I invest more time into the game. With more levels and more unique powerups, this game is definitely worth a shot to put on the app store.

I really like the aesthetic of the game where it combines a puzzle aspect with a shooter. The game not only has a well-established theme but the setting itself builds this up where the player character is an astronaut and he is fighting aliens. With more levels and maybe more puzzles, this game is definitely something that people would play on the app store.

I really like the theme and the environment the game takes place in. I like how there is a goal for the player and a bit of storytelling coming through with each level. I also appreciate how each level is a bit different from each other and that some of them don't even involve combat. Like others have mentioned, I do wish the player model was more updated but other than that I feel that the game is very polished with a solid background in storytelling and theme that can be expanded on in the future.

I enjoy the aesthetic of the game setting around remembering one's past through puzzles. I liked how you incorporated a stale, down to earth setting into this theme which fits more into the idea of being in an unfamiliar place where everything seems bland and unrecognizable. I also enjoyed doing some of the puzzles and how each puzzles is very different from each other and also increasing difficulty with each puzzles. I do want to add on that I wish I could explore the zone a bit more and maybe not have puzzles in some rooms but just rooms or buildings that might have assets that would give clues as to who you are without doing puzzles.

While playing the game, I can see how much effort was put into not only the aesthetic, but also the designs and the layout of the prison. I really enjoyed how the UI is simple and understandable and you can always tell who is around you and what your character is doing. Although the theme is breaking out of the prison, I do find the massive amount of NPCs a bit overwhelming when it is the initial level but I am sure many people would be able to get through that difficulty with some practice. With a bit more tweaks here and there I can really see this game be published!

I enjoyed how you made the theme of being in a kitchen and focusing on how to make that the focus of the game. Like other comments have said, the UI as well as the character models could be developed more but I feel that the overall concept and gameplay is very interesting and unique.

I really appreciate the detail and polish that is putt into this game. The character models for the enemies and player fit the dungeon theme and also the level designs for each level smooths the player into the increase difficulty. Overall the visuals and gameplay are solid and very polished but I do wish that the UI for the potions and health be a bit bigger.

I liked the light hearted aesthetic of a dog adventuring in a dungeon and the contrasting atmosphere of a dark and damp setting. I do agree with other comments about how the camera movement is a bit rigid and that the UI might be a bit smaller than the character models. I also wish there were more animations on the enemies when they were defeated. Overall I feel like the game plays very smooth and with a few touches on some aspects, its definitely a solid game.

I liked how you made the assignment a horror theme with zombies and weapons. I do feel like the movement is a bit slow but I also think this can be an easy fix. Really enjoyed the aesthetic of the game.

The game was very polished and paid homage to the Metroid series very well. I like how the sprites for the player resembles Doomguy. The background and enemies were also fitting to that of what fighting aliens as a space soldier would be like. I do find the background with the stars and pitch black sometimes is distracting when trying to move around. Despite this, the game was fun to play and is really nice to see Doomguy in 2D!

The theme was very well supported and built up from the aesthetic as well as the gameplay. I liked how the UI was very simple and easy to understand but I do feel like there should be a cap or a maximum to the ammo since having it reach over half the top screen might seem overwhelming. Despite this, the game was very polished and enjoyable to play and really there is very little more to say besides that.

I like how the game fit to the theme of being a pixelated character going through a level. The way the levels are designed and the aesthetic and environment just fits well with the player and story. As mentioned in class, I feel like the portal level might be a bit confusing to some people since I myself have never played portal and would be left confused as to how to progress. Overall, I really liked how the different variables like environment, animation, and aesthetic just balances and support the world building. 

I love how simple and fun the story and gameplay is! I especially like how there is extra detail on the sprite for the player where he smirks after he throws the toilet paper. Like what others might have said, I feel that if the UI was made a Halloween themed like for candies collected, instead of white text, perhaps add a sprite of candies and add a counter to it would be more symbolic. Still, I dig the aesthetic of the game as well as the background sounds.

I love how simplistic and thematic the game is. The sprites fit very well with a medieval atmosphere. The same goes with the music as well. Perhaps for the future, add a change in the background to signify higher difficulties or change in levels or perhaps add music that would accomplish this task. However, the game feels great overall to play and the story fits perfectly!