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A member registered Aug 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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- yeah we are working on the level restart to just colliding 

- we are working on the learning curve but letting the player play more levels with no scroll but plain moving and then later introduction to scroll and then moving and sizing cubes as well and yeah we already did few major changes but we are not able to upload it because the jam has to end but we will be deploying all the updates we made as soon as the jam finishes 

-> level might have different solutions as well its about the shadows and lights and the game entirely is based on the correcting angling there might be an easy spot or a tough spot in a level player must identify those spots.. there is no correct solution there just might be many or sometimes only one. 

->well coming to color ... there is going to be a short reasoning about a clock as shown in the menu (Sundial) in the levels as well its just the jam that we couldn't include it in time but yeah.

-> there are things to be changed in UI as well like having the legend of the components in the levels in a separate menu rather than about.

we are constantly observing everything and slowly changing things one by one as we are very small in team and colleges yeah thanks again for a detailed feed back .. !!!

More of a "radiate" theme meaning spreading which is interestingly in my maze gen game !!! 

(1 edit)

well the only things is we are sealed for this competition and we will definitely update the game based on all the players reviews

and we are gonna deploy all the updates at once as soon as the competition is done ..... 

and do check out the gameplay video as well because that is the updated version we have and we might constantly change it as well according to the players reviews and deploy it all at once as said.

Well there was DevLog that we didn't publish last time please check that out for the change log for the last update we have given before the submission closed ... There is another update ready informing players enough about everything in the game and might as well have the controls changed as many people said it was off so yeah .... !! feel free to point out more bugs or issues you have with the game 

(2 edits)

We made only 7 levels from 8 to 12 work in progress .... we apologize for not mentioning it in the game ...  

So Basically how the light source moves up and down with the scroll the objects are moving up and down .....

Do tell us the flaws as well any things where we have to improve .. pretty much many but do tell us any thing that can be improved or changed.

well we placed a small start screen with 2 line instructions now and we have fixed few bugs as well ... please check out our changed game and read the devlog for the change Log