Will do, thanks a lot for the Portuguese version!
Recent community posts
Hello! I wouldn't ask this here if it was a recently released game, but now that it's five years after the fact (if you're still uncomfortable about it please let me know, I'll delete the post):
I was wondering, since the original Manic Miner "level teleport" cheat mode works on this, if there actually are key combinations for the levels after the 20th (given that Manic Miner had only 20) ? Thank you!
Very cool update to the timeless original., thank you very much for sharing this.
To be perfectly honest, the only change I don't appreciate is the 2x speed; I'd love to see an alternative .tap with all the other improvements, except this one.
Would also be cool to see this Deluxe version
in the original Portuguese language, and I suspect there might be a
public for Spanish too. Maybe someone could volunteer for the
translation? Just an idea.
Other than that... when is Paradise Cafe 2 - The Revenge of Damatta coming out ?! :-D
¡Acepta mis felicitaciones por la excelente aventura! Noto una pequeña
diferencia de bytes entre la versión originalmente presentada para el
concurso de Bytemaniacos y esta de aquí. ¿Puedes decirme que ha
cambiado? ¡Muchas gracias!
Y... ¿Para cuándo la versión "Nutca
Enhanced" enriquecida con gráficos, para el 128K? Ya sabes, a los niños
pequeños como yo, siempre les gustan los muñequitos bonitos con el
texto... ;)
¡Una gran secuela de un gran juego! Predigo nominaciones entrantes de GOTY en el futuro.
Además, acepta mi agradecimiento por la versión de colores alternativos en nombre de la A.V.T.C. (Asociación de Veteranos Traumatizados por el CGA)... :-P
A great sequel to a great game! I predict incoming GOTY nominations down the road.
Also, please accept my thanks for the alternative colors version on behalf of the C.T.V.A. (CGA-Traumatized Veterans Association)... :-P
Hi! The different gameplay from the usual text adventures make this game fresh and interesting; I do believe the claustrophobic, rushing, stressful "Alien" feel you have created here brings potential for it to be used again in future games.
By the way, I can't help but notice you have a (very good) loading screen ready at the top of this page, why not use it in the .tap files ? Just a suggestion. Cheers. :)
Felicidades por estos jueguitos, me parecen muy bien. ¡La mejoría en la versión compilada con Boriel de Dandy Cowboy comparada con la del concurso es fenomenal!
Una pena por el downgrade de los gráficos en la versión 1.1 con las 4 máquinas - se me permites una sugestión, qué tal una nueva versión con 2 .tap separados, cada uno con 2 de los juegos, y así sin la necesidad de limitar sus gráficos? Sería como una casete de dos caras, 2 de los juegos en cada cara!
Saludos, abrazo.
Hi, just writing this to address something that left me scratching my head in your homepage here at itch.io ( https://taskmastersoftware.itch.io/ ).
You set the story for Taskmaster Software as starting in 1998 alongside the founding of Google and China's Tencent. However anedoctal as that is, it seems more than a bit off.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but unlike those other two inferior companies ( :-P ), Taskmaster Software starts ten years before that, in 1988 ! Not 1998 ?
A promising game! But that Spectrum cursor layout, hmm. If an option to redefine keys isn't feasible at all, may I suggest an alternative .tap using O,P,Q,A,M,Z or O,P,Q,A,M,Space ?
Or, for two-player keyboard, it could be something like W,E,Q,A,Z,S for P1 and O,P,I,K,M,L or something similar (see the pattern for finger positions on all layouts I proposed ?).
Thanks for considering!
Pretty neat little game. I'd love separate keys for passenger drop and missiles though, I keep dropping the buggers all over the place, bit masochistic. :D
I do believe the great engine here, with that cool scrolling and basic setup, could be used to expand this into a fully fledged "Crash Smash" thing. Maybe add some extra mechanics/objectives, stuff like having to slow down to collect passengers or else they get rammed into the water/killed, different levels/maps, having to refuel the chopper, time limits with a counter to achieve objectives, assorted/random events and/or secondary objectives, etc. Just some ideas. Cheers!
Uma questão, com as devidas desculpas adiantadas pela minha, estou certo, ignorância.
O nome do cara é Virgulino.
"Virgil" em inglês, porque não é segredo que os gringos têm dificuldade em chamar as pessoas pelo seu nome, quando o nome não é inglês, aí tudo normal :)
Mas então... quem é o tal do "Virgílio" na versão em Português ?!
Não é o protagonista, por que não é esse o nome do Lampião, e também não é o de Dante, pois esse encontramos sob a forma de uma personagem diferente no jogo.
Trocadilho ? Jogo de palavras ? Quid ?
Congratulations, great little game you have here!
I know lazy players (:-P) will hate me for posting this, but may I humbly suggest the cheat mode is too easy to find out, and perhaps you could replace the "one key" with a combination (i.e. an entire word which must be pressed simultaneously, like in the old Topo Soft games), in a future version ? And this time don't let André post a public spoiler about it... XD