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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks :)

I still have no idea where the problem is, but at least it worked now :).

(4 edits)

If you want to compile it yourself, you can:

  • Build it with Visual studio - if you have visual studio with visual c++ installed, open the solution and build it. There should be the executable in (Soulution folder)/lightmage/build.
  • With g++ (MinGW or Linux) - GLFW (one of used libraries) uses binaries (.lib / .a), and in the source zip there is only windows version - .lib; so you need to download (and build if you don't download precompiled binaries) and add the .lib/.a files into /lightmage/libraries/libs/. Then (Solution folder)/lightmage> g++ -std=c++17 -I./libraries/include/ -L./libraries/libs -lglfw3 -o ./build/lightmage ./src/dungeon.cpp ./src/enemy.cpp ./src/glad.c ./src/main.cpp ./src/spell.cpp ./src/stbimpl.cpp should work; on Linux add -lGL -lX11 -lpthread -lXrandr -lXi -ldl. Also chmod +x will be propably needed on Linux.

Also, what hardware and OS do you have? Might take a look what causes the issue here :).

Another way to try it would be to try another machine :).

(1 edit)

Thanks :)

It doesn't have final, the dungeons are procedurally generated, but the random is seeded as 210893 + 100 * dungeon, so they are the same every time you play.

(1 edit)

Thanks :)

To fit in the one button theme, I added that it blocks input when more than one key/mouse button is pressed at once. The game renders with colors onto framebuffer. Postprocessing shader converts the colors into grayscale (brightness between 0 and 1) and adds random number (also 0-1) to it (which just is hashed position). If the result is greater than 1, it sets color to white. This is a simple to implement dither-like effect. You can try to play with it - shaders are compiled at runtime, so you can change them in data/shaders/post.vert and data/shaders/post.frag. There is also edge detection function, which was my second idea how to make the game 1-bit, but it didn't look that good, but I kept it there anyways.

Looking at your game screeshots (sadly I can't play it; the build is 64-bit, but I'm on 32-bit windows), it seems like you used real dithering. May I ask, how is it done? :P

Great game and concept, but at the end (when you can jump) it's just regular platformer, I think that it's a bit wasted potentional, but yea, it was only 2 days :D.

(1 edit)

Hmm, that's a bit strange (when something breaks it usually ends with crash,) maybe you can try to build it from source yourself. It is a visual studio project and the libraries (glad, glfw3, glm and stb) are included in the source zip. Also it opens cmd and the game window, because I don't know how to hide the cmd :P, maybe you just missed the game window.

Edit: After second thought, I think you really just missed the game window :). Menu is also mostly black, so if the cmd was over the game window and only a small strip of game window was visible, then it's not hard to miss it :). It is even easier to miss if you have dark background :D.

(2 edits)

Thanks :)

I never used any sounds in my programs, and in jam there is no time for learning how to make and use them :). A while ago I was looking at sound libraries and YSE looked pretty promising, but I've never used it. Maybe next time :).

(2 edits)

Thanks :)

The dungeons are procedurally generated (you can look at the source - dungeon.cpp), but they are seeded the same every time (The seed is 210893 + (++level) * 100). It constructs Gabriel graph from random points (rooms), and then makes corridors between those points and rooms with random size at the points. Also, the starting room is always in center of map.

Pretty fun game, but I would include controls inside the game (they aren't visible on the submission page).

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It's a bit late to ask, but is dither (or similar effect) allowed? With dither it's still 1-bit but from some distance looks like grayscale.