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A member registered Aug 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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I know it doesn't make sense on a pragmatic level that Hunter-Guards can die of starvation too, but one occupation having privileges above another (like getting access to food first) doesn't make sense to me within the world Oil-Pit exists in; If you got food in case of starvation as a Hunter-Guard, wouldn't you idolize Hunter-Guards and want to be one to avoid a fate of dying due to starvation? wouldn't that create an imbalance at the heart of the group?

(Still planning on addressing those death loops at a later point though).

So good, I love the tabletop mechanic and Neuro references. The bossfight at the end is very tough and runs are based on RNG, but there's some strategy to it too, and the items feel great - each unique and different.

Overall fantastic game, highly recommended !!!

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I'm really glad to hear that, sounds like exactly the experience I was striving to deliver with this game (': Thank you a lot for playing it for the kind words!!

Thank you a lot for checking it out Kotge! :D maybe the game is called "A Dark Room"? if not and you ever recall the game's name, I'd love to check it out (:

Thank you so much for the kind comment!! It was very much inspired by A Dark Room when I made this, I was trying to explore the same idea of limited interaction with meaningful outcome (I wrote a bit about it in the devlog too!) so hearing it compared to A Dark Room is high praise (':

Finally released the website!

Thank you for playing it!

Both death loops (the robot war machine and starvation due to unbalanced population) can be avoided if you have enough Hunter-Guards, or enough Hunter Guards compared to the rest of the population with starvation.

That being said I might want to tone down the death-loops or add ways to escape them in future versions of the games maybe

Great game, really liked exploring the different paths to conquer and dominate the world! Especially cool that there's many paths to victory and different character types - I think I won with them all at least once except the ruler archetype

I love mystery flesh pit so this is an awesome comment to get ((: another pit-based setting, even if it's very different haha

Would be fun to expand the worldbuilding (many aspects of the setting that haven't been explored enough in-game) and maybe make some visuals for it, though not sure if they'd be canonical - player's imagination has to come first.

Thank you a lot Ferrohl! (:

Thank you for checking it out and for the kind comment!

The worldbuilding is original - It started off with a premise of having a limited number of "occupations" and then figuring out what they'd mean in the context of the world, building on from there. Some things like the Hidden Truth (an event that's rarely unlocked with the right random equipment / events coming together and explains an aspect of the world) do take inspiration from other media.

If your mood is too low people will begin to leave which might create issues with the delicate balance of food or cause a GAME OVER, and low mood can also affect the "final encounter" negatively. I might add future events or choices which make the mood even more relevant... maybe!

Fantastic game, very atmospheric. Really enjoyed getting both endings!! (':

Thank you a lot for the kind words and feedback!:D 

That's a great suggestion, would be very worthwhile implementing something like that for a possible future version :O In a way this OP-nature of Anny also helps players preserve health later in the game so if it's changed I should also add a couple of health items alongside this change haha

Good game! I enjoyed the story and especially the ending. Well done for writing such a detailed mystery story in just three days!

Cute tower defense game! I think I'd enjoy it even more if it had a bit more depth (and maybe transparent stats for towers / enemies as an extra bonus!), but it feels endlessly replayable and fun as is. Well designed and fantastic entry for the jam.

I liked the sprites and animations for Vedal and Evil - that being said, I disliked the hacking mechanic! It's frustrating when you're finally making a successful jump and then your inputs get hi-jacked, and makes an already tough platformer even tougher.

Speaking of which, it feels like I can only jump on Neuro's head when she's jumping - so waiting for her to jump once she's in your position was a struggle. I did like how forgiving the time-slow bar was! made life a tiny bit easier for me since I suck at platformers.

Cute game! Love the art style for Vedal's desktop (':

I think I hit a softlock initially by throwing the wrong item into the warehouse and having people leave of their own accord, but on the second try I did much better! fun game (':

Tough but very enjoyable game! 

Jumping isometrically felt a bit inaccurate, I think something that could help would be a 2D shadow following you on the ground (can be achieved with a raycast). Thank you a lot for making re-spawns work fine when you get to 0 HP without resetting the cookies, I think the game would've been unbeatable otherwise for me haha. Final fight with Evil was also very challenging

Loved the character sprites and ended up beating it :D

Bugs encountered:

  • Crash when interacting again with vedal PC after initial speech before getting any fragments
  • Late-game music stays on after I died with 3-4/5 fragments (even in main menu)

Also adding a "skip all" button to the start text (or the other text too) would be helpful.

Beyond that, this was a great game - I absolutely loved the sound-bytes for vedal and neuro, crawling in the web was extremely stressful and maybe even more scary than some of the horror games I played this jam. I felt like crouch walking wasn't effective so I was just running from place to place using my abilities to get me out of tough spots. Really enjoyed the ending too haha

Thank you so much for trying it out and for the kind words!!

Good feedback - I totally agree. I think I under-estimated how tough the start is for first timers haha - and Anny is far too OP and trivializes a lot of the mechanics, but adding her felt somewhat necessary to make backtracking easier in the mid-game... though I'd put her a bit further away in the zone if I update the game, or limited her power by a tiny bit. Tieff also absolutely cooked for the BGM and the game would've been far worse without his moral support and advice (':

An extremely fun multiplayer experience. It's a challenge to gather a lobby but once you do, it's a lot of fun. I like being a sneaky builder and using unexpected routes to lots of points like the gambler I am

Great post mortem!! was fun to read about your experience during the jam (':

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Cute game!! really enjoyed the level of polish on this, character dialogue felt really well made and written. Enjoyed dimension hopping and searching for a 3D cookie!!

Very cute game, enjoyed finding all the neuros!! :D

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Fantastic idea! I think being able to re-play some of the first puzzles would've life easier for me since I had to restart a couple of times (and would've helped me realize this is just English rather than figuring that from the comments lol), and it's a shame that it stops just when you start figuring it out. Extremely creative concept, well done.

Thank you!! (:

I totally agree, initially I thought the items should make this super forgiving but I failed to account that players might take longer due to figuring out the game / map lol

Linearity is by design! while making this game I considered the idea of making it procedurally generated but figured it'd be too much effort to make it work and be fun for a 3 day jam, so it ended up linear. I think it was a good decision because it let me put more effort into having a coherent and (hopefully) fun map, and makes it so the items give the map a metroidvania-like progression where some items are needed to progress. If it was more open ended, more players might've gotten lost :<< it would be fun to explore a mechanic like this in a less linear map in a future game though

Thank you so much!! I was thinking of maybe exploring this mechanic further in some future project after my current long term project... (': really glad to hear you enjoyed it!!!

We did it! now we got all the way to 3K ratings thanks to Alex who extended the voting period, might get to more tomorrow (':

I think the concept of the game is very cool, a racoon using lost and found items as upgrades. That being said, I sometimes got stuck in the store not being sure how many items I can take / which one I took with some items that I never found appearing in there, and moving around with long left click felt more like driving a car than being a racoon xde I also couldn't tell where I'd be able to see affection points (maybe because I used a 1920x1200 monitor and the UI doesn't scale properly?). Running around was fun though and I enjoyed recovering neuro plushies.

I wish you could see which spell you're going to get when you're discarding a spell, and I dislike that I sometimes can't clearly see what enemies do or which attacks they used (or seeing how much defense they gained for example). Beyond that it's a really cute little roguelike, enjoyed it a bunch (and won >:D)

First of all, I want to preface this by saying - I don't enjoy sokoban that much. So I was prepared to quit halfway through this game. But what expected me was a work of genius - I really enjoyed the pulling mechanic and the later evil levels, elevating this work far beyond a simple puzzle into something tutely beautiful - I played through it all and thoroughly enjoyed the ending. The fact you got truckersFM integrated into the game earns a whole another level of respect from me as a developer.

Fantastic work!!!

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A tough but cute little platformer about exploring a temple. I kind of wish there was an option for re-spawning in a room / checkpoint (and choosing to keep current time or restart), because without it it feels way too tough. I suck at platformers but still managed to get one sand though hehe ((: (through great effort and determination) time mechanic is very cool but does make this tough little game even tougher!!

Cute little game about finding the other you. Enjoyed it a bunch, gets even better once you learn the map a bit. Was very impressed to read it was made in 18 hours!! great work.

Great rhythm game, really enjoyed this one. Would be cool to see a song / level select but obviously understandable that wasn't a point of concern in a 3 day jam with such a limited time frame!!

Boot-san cat-san? Boots and boots and boots and boots and cats on boots? xde

Well made character-switching platformer, good job!! I like how you incorporated story elements into it and neuro references

Cute little sorting game!! If there's something I'd add to it game-play wise it'd be a timer so you could try to defeat it and sort everything as fast as possible. Love the throwing physics :D

Did encounter a small bug in round 4 somehow but enjoyed it regardless

Didn't stop me from finishing the game so it's no big issue at all!! :D ending screen was funny xde

I really enjoyed it... the ending was great too. Highly recommend