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A member registered Mar 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much nilkun! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I can't wait to make another one!

My main issue with it right now is the camera/view system. I want to plug in funky shaders to the camera, but short of having the camera attached to a specific view and then making scenes for each new view it's going to be a pain in the ass. 

Yeah, I bought some udemy tutorials on c# and unity so I'm hoping that'll at least move me in the right direction. I'd like to use Fungus but I'm already a programmer (Python mainly) so it just wasn't as intuitive for me as it may be for someone who has no coding experience. A lot of the stuff you do with it feels like busywork that could be accomplished with scripting versus building all these blocks and plugging in different functions and whatnot.

Thanks for replying though, I appreciate it! I haven't finished the demo of your game yet but I love the cyclops girl she's so cute! It's a shame I'm so terrible at platformers haha.

Thank you! I honestly just pulled a lot of this out of my ass because it took so long to follow along with the first game tutorial, haha. I just kind of ran out of time and put this together as quick as I could (so hard not to do an idea you've been gestating in your mind for years on your first try!)

But after fiddling around with Fungus I've decided to just learn C# and unity, Fungus is a great system for handling narrative but there are so many other things I'd like to do (like having actual animated portrait sprites!!) so I'm going to have to learn. Do you know of any tutorials that teach you how to integrate something like fungus into a regular game? Or custom scripts/things into fungus as a block? The forum is kind of nuts so it's hard to find answers for these things.

(1 edit)

I've been playing this for a while and I love it! Seriously, it's so much fun.

I keep wondering if those are Berry's pants or if he's wearing underpants around the house. I'm dying to know. Also the KonMari method! I want to comment more but I don't want to spoil the game for anyone, I haven't yet reached the end but I wanted to say this is great and I hope more people play it!

I finished it! IT ENDED TOO SOON! Is there a path to the expo?! I MUST KNOW!

I just want to say thank you for playing my game! I'd never programmed anything in unity before so most of the jam was spent just learning how functions worked, then my dentist decided it was the perfect time to pull my wisdom teeth and I ended up writing everything on Thursday/Friday it was so insane haha.

The cat endings are the best endings :) I'm so happy you've gotten something out of it, that's the best feeling in the world knowing that! 

I finished it! Yay!

Thank you so much! I've spent so much time on the backend stuff I'm having to resort to programmer art to make sure I have enough time to get everything in by Saturday haha. *hugs* It's actually not that bad (Fungus), but the guy that does the official free and paid tutorials isn't the best teacher ^^ You'll learn enough to figure things out on your own though!

If you do end up using Fungus and all your UI text goes black all of a sudden, make sure you set up the default font material in the text settings. It's a glitch that happens sometimes, I only figured out how to fix it after a few hours of thinking I was going to have to remake everything. Phew!

Character heads

I absolutely love your little cyclops girl she's just adorable!

Trying to figure out the animation for the title on the title screen

I got to chapter 33 of the course and everything went to crap. He started filming things out of order and I lost the plot :(

But that just means there's no better time to strike out on my own and get my game started; I know enough about how Unity works to get there, so now I just need to punch up a script and get some assets together. My goal's going to be a 5-10 minute demo (reasonably, without too much fast clicking through) that by the end doesn't crash on bootup. KEEPING IT REASONABLE!

Gifs look like crap, but i can't upload my mp4s for some reason. I'm doing the tutorial for Fungus before I try and make my own game (I'm just starting from the very bottom here). None of the assets are mine, they just come with the paid tutorial off Udemy (which is a bit crazy making but gets better as you go on).

My first thing was learning how to set up scenes with parallaxing layers, how to move the cameras and all that

I learned how to create branching dialog/narratives.

Then I learned how to create clickable sprites, colliders, etc.

I LEARNED HOW TO BUILD A STATE ENGINE! It makes a pop noise whenever you activate the lamp.

Next up I think is a lot of work on variable and doing stuff with the clickable objects in the scene (like the diploma and the coat/hat and all that). Hopefully I'll have time to put at least a few minute game together once I know enough to get started haha. Woo!

Thanks! I honestly don't have a concept yet, I just want to complete the tutorial so I understand all the commands and I'll go from there. I've got the background all set up now at least, learned how to animate the cameras! Here's to hoping I get through all the tutorial by the end of the week so I can get started on my own thing :o 

I've spent the last few days learning how to script in Fungus for Unity and I've been hating every second of it. God help me finish this game, but at least I've gotten to the point where I sort of understand event handlers. Sort of. I'm sure I'll forget it all by tomorrow just like I did with linking the dialog boxes together.