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My main issue with it right now is the camera/view system. I want to plug in funky shaders to the camera, but short of having the camera attached to a specific view and then making scenes for each new view it's going to be a pain in the ass. 

Yeah, I bought some udemy tutorials on c# and unity so I'm hoping that'll at least move me in the right direction. I'd like to use Fungus but I'm already a programmer (Python mainly) so it just wasn't as intuitive for me as it may be for someone who has no coding experience. A lot of the stuff you do with it feels like busywork that could be accomplished with scripting versus building all these blocks and plugging in different functions and whatnot.

Thanks for replying though, I appreciate it! I haven't finished the demo of your game yet but I love the cyclops girl she's so cute! It's a shame I'm so terrible at platformers haha.

Don't worry too much about not being able to finish it. I shouldn't have released it while the controls were so difficult to use. I'm currently working on making the controls closer to that of Hollow Knight for example. Maybe I'll update the demo later on once I get an official level implemented. Keep an eye out ;)