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A member registered Jun 22, 2022

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This is a really good game. I read the comments and see you are finishing up development soon, however I hope that if you do go for a sequel or something like that in the future you add more stuff for when we get very, very big. The name of the game is hungry mermaid cruise. It'd be fun if we'd be able to eat such a vessel at some point. Perhaps eventually whale (Orca or maybe a big white whale) or kraken girls are the threat instead of shark girls? Regardless, I look forward to your future work. 

The magical girl side is bugged. Once you do one of the endings there or leave you can't access it again.

Kitsune is nice. Unfortunate that there's not going to be much more though. I personally would quite like a Lamia or Insect race as well, but it's understandable with how much you are doing. Regardless I appreciate the work you are doing and quite enjoy what's here so far. 

I'm curios what other races are planned to be added in the future.

Error: unable to determine height calculation. It doesn't say anything else. Though oddly, it goes away and fixes itself after growing even taller, but there's still that area after the 99% where it just breaks.

Height is a bit bugged. After getting past the 99% flavor text it ends up going into an error. 

I'm curios what the future plans for the game are. Will there be monsters fighting and eating other monsters, or just the humans? Will the monsters be able to grow it more ways than just size? What will be the size limit, if there is one? What will the humans have to defend themselves? That sort of thing. A part of me hopes that the monsters will have a sort of EXP system to increase the size of certain parts or similar based on how much they eat too... Regardless, this game has extensive potential and I'm curios to see what will come from it in the future.