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A member registered Sep 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Only some of the updates break the saves. In the future I would like to make it so only the big numbers (0.3, 0.4, 0.5, etc) break the saves. It's hard to re-balance things without breaking old saves.

Unfortunately the saves from 2 versions ago had an error in them. Use the cheat chicken to speed through content if that helps.

Right now.

Right now.

If you are on mobile click with both fingers to "right click" or "cancel" to open the menu. From there you can save.

All the ladies in the story eventually get involved. The mechanics might find themselves working in the lounge... once that opens up.

Thank you very much for the comment. I'm looking into a proper way to present IO's voice going forward which is why it's just the one scene for now.

This is a common error with the older saves. I try to keep the saves compatible, but I wasn't able to on that update. If you're on Windows use a new save provided, if not the cheat chicken can help you get back your progress a bit faster.

Tapping with 2 fingers is the universal "cancel" button. Hitting cancel on the main map will get you to the menu where you can save. Sadly there is no way to transfer a save from your windows game to android. However, the cheat chicken can help you to move rapidly through the story.

If you're on mobile click with both fingers to cancel and to go to menu.

I have been told for rpgmaker in the past to make sure to close other applications and browser windows.

Buy all the items from the mechanics. Meet the mechanics in the building behind the bar. Wait a few days. Use the scanner till it tells you IO is in the sewers. Befriend the chuds by spending time with them after bartending or giving chud king wallets. 

Is this happening on a new save? The old saves have a bug in them.

Unfortunately I broke some stuff in this update. While I have been working on a temp fix I haven't quite figured out the issue yet.

Make sure you use a new save on this update.

That will be in a future update.

Funny you should mention that specific scene of all things...

Use a new save please.

Was this using an old save?

Make sure to use a new save.

That's in a future update.

Give the katana to the fedora chud and visit Alexa. She will teach you pick pockets.

All of the other women will eventually get involved.

The free version is just 2 weeks behind the Patreon version. Support the game because you want to and can afford it. The public update will never have content locked out of it.

It's kind of hidden. Feed the cat catfood 3 times to make it your friend. Find the cat again in the sewers and give it the hidden camera. That should get you moving in the right direction.

Don't run out of money. Use the cheat chicken to avoid running out of money if you're struggling.

It is possible to avoid all the training after the first one and escape. Keep chud arousal low with the spay bottle. Sleep in the downstairs bed. Avoid any activities that might give IO ideas.

At its core the game will have 2 corrupt routes. One where Catherine is more in charge and one with IO is more in charge. A kind of submissive or defiant route. For non-corruption there will be options to get out without becoming corrupted, but that also means not getting very many scenes.

Try going there when aroused. Avoid masturbating while bartending to build up arousal.

If you're on windows you can transfer your save... but it doesn't always work if the update changes something big. I try to include saves in the windows version. Including them in the Android or Mac version is a bit more complex.

Use the cheat chicken while you learn the systems. Get perfect fills. Don't let the social buff wear off the enemies. You should be able to make more than rent pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

A few more updates before the waitress game comes out.

Updates are less and less safe to use old save files. I try to keep them working but it was starting to overwhelm me trying to keep track of everything. On windows I try and include save games.

If you're on windows it's in Game Folder > www > save. But if you have no saves then that folder won't exist and you have to start a new game and save.

The body shots is the last scene in the current update for after bar activities. Generally, if you've unlocked all the content in the gallery then you've seen everything from that update.

Click with both fingers on the screen to "cancel" this will let you back out of menus or choices. It also opens up the menu to be able to save.

Thank you for giving advice to the Mac users. It's a place I know very little about.

If I do translate the game it will be after all development is done.

Not yet implemented.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you're liking IO.

Click with 2 fingers at once. That's also how you get to the menu.