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A member registered Jan 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great game ! Would love to see more levels, I'd play all of them

(1 edit)

Can you bring the lanterns back in order and beat all levels ? 

Get ready for puzzles with infinite possible amounts of lanterns.


Left click in front of fused lantern: go through lantern.

Right click in front of fused lantern: go one world back

Space in front of lever: activate/deactivate it so lanterns can follow you.

space in front of a normal lantern and fused lantern: transfer the normal lantern through the fused lantern back to the last world you were in.

Goal: let the lanterns follow you and touch the squared highlighted objects on the ground to get to the next level. pink ones can only hold normal lanterns while blueish ones can only hold fused lanterns.

Voice Acts)

Moderator: Ben Garbutt

Creature from Poland: Christian Sperl

Everything else)

Edward Abiakin (@Studios)

I really enjoyed the game but after 2 minutes, I got the urge to kill the babies