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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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That's an original game. I have never seen anything similar! The fact that shooting at the bombs makes you fall back makes it a really interesting challenge.

I made it to the black bombs, while playing on a mouse pad, so proud of myself :).

There is a small inconsistency in the graphics: The player is a hand-drawn character with a fat black boundary, but the bombs look perfect and only have a small boundary.

What starts out as a standard "move one way until you hit obstacle" quickly turns into a more interesting game with more things to think about (winds, cargo, spikes..). The introduction of new elements right in the game were well made. There is some room for input convenience: Clicking anywhere in the correct direction could get you moving, having a larger play-area (even just scaling the art up by a factor of two or three..). Your idea to use keyboardinputs is great, that would make it much more convenient.

The credits made me laugh. :)

Thanks. Great graphics and well balanced. I almost made it, but then all factions started wars against each other and it looked grim. At least the Servants of Dracula and the New Houses made peace after a while. Then I used the strategy to kill off the Wolves (by not giving them any new humans). But even at 0 power they continued the war against the other factions, so that did not go as I expected. Finally the vampire hunters got me. I think. The end screen was not quite clear enough about it.

The fun part about the balancing is that you don't exactly know what makes the people betray you. But sometimes I was sure that the people would be loyal, but then they told their friends anyways. Perhaps, if the game gave hints as to why I was betrayed (ex. too much family, hungry for fame..) I could try to become better at the game as it goes on. The factions were a lot of fun, when they started appearing and started having wars. But then they just stayed that way. If even more factions could emerge and others could disappear again, that would be truly epic.

Wow, the dialogue got me hooked. I really wanted to know what was going on and so I kept playing. At the end I was somewhat confused. How do I go back and save the girl? When the credits rolled I was under the impression that I had chosen the wrong ending. And then there is that fourth time-line wich is not yet colored, so I tried to complete it. But all I got is the ending dialogue again. 

Really nice reuse of the levels. They are still non-trivial even though you have so much more power later on.

The setting is highly non-linear but yet, the game actually forces you to complete the levels in a given order. It would be very fitting if there were multiple ways to slowly figure out the truth. The exclamation marker was helpful to not waste my time, but it might be more interesting to let the player figure it out themselves.


Thanks! I tried to somewhat sort the levels by difficulty.. Of course, much more levels could be added (and you can do that yourself by going into the assets folder and add pictures), if you want.

It is possible to beat the "Extra Zoey" level, but it requires serious thinking out of the box. It's definitely the hardest of the levels.

Is it a bug? It's a feature! Congrats on finding the hidden level.