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A member registered Jun 10, 2017

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Dude! This is awesome!

Oh goodness, it looks like I thought submission was at 12 and missed it. Anyhow, here's the sort of thing I ended up with:

(3 edits)

Spent most of today trying to solve a memory corruption problem which occurred when loading large models... Temporary solution working now.

Also spent a bit of time setting up better light attenuation and some debug drawing modes so I can see all the data being fed into the final lighting pass of the algorithm. Here are some screens of the various FBOs.

Overall I'm still a bit behind where I'd like to be, but making progress.

Position, diffuse, and specular, and normal maps.

Combined in the lighting phase via BRDF:

Super cool! Collaborative satellite design!? I'd love to see a link when it's up. I also have my BS in physics and am looking for ways to put it to use in my career, hopefully in a way that involves software engineering. Good to meet someone with similar interests!

Haha! Now... to figure out how to make my project fit the theme.

Woah cool! What sort of work do you do in physics/aerospace??

Deathcore!! 🤘

(1 edit)

Sounds ambitious, but it's something I've already been working on. Here's the demo scene I'm rendering now:

Everything looks a bit blown out because there are 23 light sources randomly scattered around the motorcycle (represented by tiny white dots). As of right now, there are some annoying video memory bugs when freeing large-ish meshes, shadows don't work, and several rendering optimizations which need to be made to increase the number of possible lights. At the moment, it runs at about 400 fps on my gtx1060, but I'm hoping to speed it up a bit.