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A member registered Jan 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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The game is really good!, I really liked the music you added, it really gave the game more personality! The game play is very smooth and fun to play as well. The physics  were a bit wonky sometimes and it did making a jump hard but all in all this was really good!

I really liked the graphical parts of the game and how everything works together, The asteroids do seem hard to deal with and it did make the game harder for me as well. I think giving the player some upgrade abilities, or decreasing the asteroids health can help make the game easier.

I really liked this game and its design layout! It reminds of that "oh deer" game that came out recently. The only issue I have is the gameplay side of things, maybe having the camera rotate so the player could look around will help? Other than that, I really liked it!

Liked the top down movement you implemented for your game, Had a problem with the collision where it couldn't pick up the box, but other than that everything else was good!

This is a really good game and it reminds me of the gears of war franchise, the only thing I would I would want to fix is the hit collision between walls, but other than that I really liked it!

its ok ill let you when its updated if you want to give it another try!

Very fun to play! the sound effects were very nice , the power ups were cool too, loved how you each unique map features that interacted with it.

Very good!

Yeah I figured it could be kind of confusing, I would've had hints in game but  I was rushing to get it out, In front of the 3 symbols theres a rock and you'll replay the recorded sounds, which opens the cave door, theres a energy box which you take back to the ship

Thank you for playing! I appreciate it.

Love the visuals and the and the use of the limitation, encountered sine bugs though where sometimes the alien would freeze on my screen i couldn't move or when i first ran into the alien I ran (lmao), I seemed to be stuck cause another one wasn't spawning, but all in all i think you did great!, Ngl requires some thinking power i was lacking lol

Hi you have a very interesting game, I think the enemy re spawn system adds a difficult challenge to the game and found myself strategizing on different ways to counter them, Do the enemies eventually lose their respawn though? I wasn't too sure about that part, I figured if that I killed enough times it would but that didn't seem o be the case (unless I got unlucky lol)

I love the way you incorporated the art style, it reminds me of those classic 90s pc games, the combat did seem a little weird with how far you can hit the enemy and how far they can hit you, maybe you could add ranged weapons instead to compensate?

All in all, I think the game was pretty fun and challenging great job!