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A member registered Nov 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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10/10 would [NUT] again. 

This is pretty good. The atmosphere and sound design is great and the monster design is good too. My only gripe is that failing is kinda weak. You get caught by a monster, and the game only fades to black and the level restarts. Other than that, it's a great experience and I would recommend it!

(also another gripe is can't sex the monster, like I got up behind it, also GYAT DAYUM, and everything and I died. the 'Adult' tag is mainly for Nudity of the one monster, but again; good game.)

Yeah they did ask me about how it may have happened, I don't usually download games on that account since it's meant for uploading, and any games I do download are usually well-known and are verified to be safe. One incident that I can only think though, is when at some point, Windows Defender constantly said there were threats found but after opening Security Center, it said everything was OK, nothing even in quarantine.

thank you everyone for explaining and helping. Itch support just got back to me and I'm reclaiming my account now.

I've tried logging in via both username and email, didn't work. On the email side, I've sent them an email ticket 11 days ago (Nov 16) and no response. I've also reported the game that I didn't make, and haven't seen anything happen yet.

Hello, I'm posting here to hopefully get in touch with someone who can help, but my main account (MysticalDevelopers) has been breached and my email address was changed, so I can't contact support from that email. I received no email about my email or password attempting to be changed, and I have 2FA enabled on that account. When I went to log in to update one of my games, I couldn't. Thinking I just forgot my password, I went to reset it and it said there was no account with that email. The account is still active and is being used by a third party. I can tell by there being a game I did not release, nor even make those types of games, on my account. 

Help is greatly appreciated.
