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Static Conection Studios

A member registered Mar 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Neat concept

Nice game, but I think second chance might not be working and I'm not shure it's possible to win on normal


I am very intrested in this Jam and already have an idea for a game. Thing is, it would be a remake of a game I already made, ported over to the new version of Godot and with (hopefully) several improvments

Is that alowed? I plan on rewriting the code from the ground up, but I would reutilise art, possibly writing and code it based on the already existing game

Hello, creator here. Thank you so much for playing the game, I'm glad you like it

About your sugestion to have skill icons, that was the original plan but we had to cut some corners to have a playable version ready for the Jam. I created the manual in order to help with the missing clarity but it's now clear to me this information avaliable in-game too

It seems that the period for rating has been extend, exactly how long will it last? Is the current timer acurate?


Got it

It was originaly a web game, should I run the original on the page or can I run the updated version and have the original avaliable for download?

This has been a great experience and I'm happy with the progress I've made, but my seven days are over and the game is sadly unplayable. There are some bugs with the victory and defeat conditions I would need to iron out

Would it be okay to take an extra day or two to finish the game and then publish it as "incomplete"? I know I failed the challenge but the game is very near completion and it would be a shame  not to be able to show it

The game is also severely lacking in content, it has support for a procedurally generated map but only three locations, for example. I would like to add more content but I feel like that's most likely going too far

Got it. Thank you

The link to the article on pointers to succeed at the challenge seems to not be working

I see. Thank you for the reply

Another quick question, obviously the point of the challenge is to try and code the game in a limited time, but would it be allright to brainstorm, make design decisions or start to make art for the game beforehand?

Thou I'm not shure I'll be able to participate due to time constraints, this Jam got me very intriegued, especificaly because the board game Eldrich Horror would count as a rouguelike

There's no "realoading a save" on board games, it's very character centric, the Mysteries and rumours you have to solve are picked ramdomly from a pool, it's turn-based and has clear runs

It's not a perfect example or course, it's possible for a single person to control multiple characters for once, and you simply pick a new one after you die (thou Doom advances and you have to waste significant time getting your items back, if you can get them back at all). Plus the game is usualy played on a single (long) sitting, so permanent consequences might not be as impactfull

If I were to develop a game to the molds of Eldritch horror, possibly mitigating or removing the elements mentioned in the prior pharagaph, would it be submitable to the Jam?


(Strategy mode)

Really solid, good job

Only thing I would suggest was for the level of the obstacles to be more clearly displayed, but apart from that this is great

(1 edit)

Simple, but well-made game

A few possible bugs, however. Rather than reflecting on the player, the ball simply goes back the way it came, wich is rather unintuitive and might not be intentional. It's also possible to get the ball stuck isnside the player if you hit it from the side and the ball can kill blocks as they spawn during level changes

(1 edit)

Coming back, this is a really nice game. Would benefit a lot from an in-game enciclopedia and a quick restart button thou


The correct colective is "amogusai"

Wave 75 😎

(I can't belive I got this invested in an amogus TD game. Also heads up they start going apeshit in later stages, go faster than tower bullets I think)

Muito obrigado pelo feedback, se você gostou da ideia fica ligado que depois da Jam vem um update pra aumentar a clareza do jogo

Muito obrigado pelo feedback

Realmente um tutorial ficou faltando, priorizei terminar as mecânicas e acabou não dando tempo de colocar tudo que eu planejava

Assim que acabar a Jam planejo lançar um update pra aumentar a clareza do jogo, incluindo explicações de todas as mecânicas, barras de vida pros inimigos, etc.

Entendi, obrigado 

Boa tarde

O desenvolvimento de meu jogo está indo bem, mas estou tendo problemas em conseguir toda a arte que vou precisar. O artista com o qual entrei em contato tendo tempo limitado

Pensei então se seria possível usar "stock" assets disponíveis gratuitamente na internet ou se constituiria em violação das regras

Penso em usar apenas pixel art simples disponível gratuitamente, nada complexo ou paga

Seria possível dentro das regras?

Fun idea and well executed, but the game is rather short

Nice idea, but the differences within the classes weren't very clear and it's a bit frustrating how there is (aparently) no way to prevent damage from posoning

Other than that good game

I think it should be fine for it to stay (if you think it's balanced) but then it might be better to clarify that on th samuray's skill

It could even be intresting to have different levels of the Samurai ineract with this differently, as in higher levels execute no matter what for example

I just encountered what might be a bug, but I'm not even cerain

What I think was a Samurai failed to execute my fron creature, instead only dealing a lot of damage

The creature was a level 3 Druid (the one that buffs by +5/+5 when damaged) and had been buffed both by itself and by shop effects ( creatures that buff when brought and sold). As a result the druid had over 70 hp

Don't think it affected the result of the fight thou, so no need to worry about that

(3 edits)

Really cool game, very well done

Even ignoring the laguage barrier, the game is too buggy in it's current form

The idea seems very good and the visuals are very apealing, so I hope to see a debuged version, but I can't recomend in it's current state

(4 edits)

Intresting visuals, but a bit hard to pick up, specialy without a translation. Hope an english version gets added in the future, even if it's just google translated

Also, there is a possible bug with targeting. If I understood it correctly, you sould only be able to target oponents close to the night, but you are able to target anything. You are also able to kill everything by spawning terrain on top of them when you do this

Other possible bug is that letting your night deal the killing blow on the last oponent aparently resets the level

(1 edit)

Got a crash:




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_pipe:

Array index must be positive

at gml_Object_obj_pipe_Draw_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_obj_pipe_Draw_0 (line -1)

Also, it's anoying that deleting itens dosen't make your money comeback, so you end up having to restart all the time and that the leftmost square in the grid dosen't register if you have a conveyer belt there

What a pleasant surprise, thanks for the heads up

Really like the concept and core mecanics, but I can't understand the logic behind enimy movement, they simply clip thorugh terrain instead of going around

Reducing the amound dice you remove from the deck destroyed my main strat :(

You mean the poop dice? That's nice, you have to live with some garbage for a while but then get a slightly op dice afterwards