glad to hear that, good luck :)
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What a great game! It's a really creative take on the theme, has EXCELLENT art and audio feel, has of nice arcade-y features.
Stuff that I think may use improvement: Not much, honestly. I think the game just has one glaring issue - the scroll input needs to have a sensitivity toggle. It seems to be tuned to the mice used during development, and that makes the game a little frustrating to play (we've kind of used a this idea in our own game).
All in all, lovely stuff! Good luck!
Cute and cozy, nice music and art support, simple mechanics and a good take on the theme. I like it a lot!
Stuff I think may use some improvement: Wish there was a bit more content. Especially, with the isometric camera, there's scope for a lot of mechanics.
I hope you flesh out the game after the jam!
Didn't expect to see an idle clicker! It's cozy and chill, and could be a nice way to relax. Also a nice little avenue into how managing a colony of ants might feel.
Stuff I think may use some improvement: I got attacked by a mantis very early, before I had any food income - that made me confused. Maybe a more solid way of progression in the beginning? The music also doesn't quite match the theme I think (not to say it's not good to listen to).
I loved this game. It jumps straight in, explains a simple concept, then presents it in a complex way. It layers on such simple concepts kind of like "Papers, Please", and you actually learn how to play as you reach the end of the game. It's concepts are beautifully simple, and it's level design is extremely straightforward. It's lean look and feel helps me focus on the puzzles more - I appreciate that a lot, too.
I wasn't a 100% sure how the "built to scale" aspect was integrated until I reached the 4th dimension - that was also very well done.
I can't suggest anything to improve on, because I'm not sure if there is anything.
This is great! Kudos, I really wish to be this good at puzzle design someday.
Supremely creative take on the theme! Very well done art, sound and user experience too. The game has all qualities to let me play it idly for a long time.
Things I think could use some improvement: the crafting mechanism, as others have also suggested. It's just too unintuitive - alternatively, you could have a proper tutorial for it in the game.
All in all, this is a really great job! Well done!
A very solid game. You can tell there's a lot of talent spread on the team - the music, the UI design, the 3d models, the character controller all felt very lovely.
I was wondering why the bossfight wasn't working as intended - I suppose there's a bug in it right now. Would love to see a fixed version. This looks like a very fun take on the theme, and if fleshed out and polished, could be just the kind of thing this jam was meant to bring forth.

Stuff that could use some improvement: more polish in the character control, more content!
Overall, very decent take on the theme of the jam, and good mechanics to execute it in a puzzle game scheme. Cheers!
Pretty simple game and submission, a solid take on the theme - really good for a 1 day effort!
Maybe it'd be cool if everyone had a way to win, since the game feels like an uphill battle from the get go - so all players could feel like superwinners. I saw the one guy who broke it like Tetris by going 350+; that's also cool :)
Again, I can appreciate the speed at pushing this out in a day - very speedy. Cheers!
A very creative take on the theme, and executed on-point! The art, the mechanics (literally and figuratively), the game feel all come together very well.
Some improvements: The whole process of ending a run and rebuilding the robot at the very beginning introduced a bunch of inertia which I think could be cut down - maybe have a little "preview" before the level to see how the design of the bot would fit the part it had to climb? Just a thought. There was also a small lack of feedback, like which side you're about to rotate to and stuff... it's polish that difficult to include in 4 days, but is important in a game with so much deliberation in its decision-making.
Overall, this is the kind of stuff the theme was meant to bring forth! There's much good here, and I'd love to see another version after the jam :) I will most certainly play it. Cheers!
Very enjoyable game - polished feel, good mechanics, seems to have multiple builds that the player can have, I can see myself killing a lot of time playing this. It's has a kind of RoR2 vibe to it, where you can have a TON of replayability, and the super-fun GOD runs. The art and music is also very good, the game already has a lot of juice in it.
Some stuff that can be improved: The "Edit" mode becomes a little cumbersome to use after you stack up a bunch of each attachment and have to connect each one manually. There's also room for a lot of complex enemies - I felt it was a bit simple right now.
Well done. Cheers!
A fresh game idea, a very good take on the theme, and excellent execution on it! The game mechanics work really well with the core of the game (multi-row wrench throws feel great, but turn timer debuff feels very punishing), art and sound is top notch, the difficulty is decently balanced, and it even has provisions to make clutch plays! I reached a 2x2 floor at around 900 score and managed to make it to:
Some stuff that I think could use improvement: I ran into a fatal error at around 2.5 - 3k and the game crashed, so that could be resolved. Plus, I was getting "hit" by invisible enemies and losing a row to that... I'm guessing that has something to do with there being some sort of a "desync" bug in the game. Also, the game could start a little bit more gradually, for the first time at least, to let the player take in all the mechanics - there's a lot to see on the screen in the first go.
Overall it's a great game! Well polished, very fun, very creative. Excellent work, cheers!
Its a solid start. The idea of a wizard with a sword and a staff, who changes size to mow down his enemies, sound very fun to kill time with! The game felt a bit Runescape-y.
My main concerns were the same as the other comments, really: the camera angles were making it difficult to focus on the core gameplay, and I couldn't tell what side I was facing and stuff. I would end up dying most of the time by missing a jump. The enemies could use a lot more complexity, as I would simply kill them without coming even close.
Overall, this is a good start as a game developer. I think you should keep practicing, and polish this game up. Learn all the basics, study other games, watch GMTK videos (he did not pay me to say this). Work hard :) it seems like you have ambition, based on your idea and its execution. Cheers!
What an excellent game! I had a WHALE of a time. I ask for more levels (Although I couldnt figure out level 8, what's the solution?)
Stuff I think could be cool/use some improvement: The maroon element is a bit finicky to click, because it has 4 small buttons on it. I also wish there was some way to "keep" the music I made in each level. So all the tunes from levels 1 to 7 could somehow combine to form a small tune - it would feel rewarding to me.
Honestly, this is a top-notch submission. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Kudos!
A very creative take on theme that meshes really well with the lore, kept me engaged. The art is quite pretty, especially the cutscene in the beginning of the main menu. The vibe is very calming and there's some good progressive design going on as far as the platforms and the abilities go - very Hollow Knight-y.
Stuff I think can use some improvement: the character controller. It's a bit difficult to use the wall jump mechanics, and the jumps are very fast which makes it hard to decide where the player's going to fall. I also got softlocked in the middle once.
All in all, a strong entry! Fun, chill and interesting. Cheers!
Addictingly fun! Lean mechanics that mesh together very well, a character that is fun to operate, whimsical and carefree vibe to the art and sound design, a decent difficulty curve, and an epic DRAGON.
This is really well-polished and fun game. I wouldn't mind playing this on my mobile in my idle time at all! Very well done!
Very strong entry to the jam. Loved the well-designed and easily digestible mechanic. The difficulty curve was very fresh and helped in the learning process a lot. The game is FUN.
The sound work is so good, too. The chiptune music, the audio slowing down for a little when you miss, simple but effective.
This was your first jam, right? It is an amazing start. I can't wait to see you in future jams with a proper artist - you'll kill it!
I completely understand your sadness.. difficulty balancing is hard. Hell, I've messed it up in my game too (and I've never got it right in any of my games yet)
One of my teammates (and a very good friend of mine) shares your timezone. It must've been tough to manage everything.
Well, we will improve as time goes on - someday we'll be proficient enough to include all the content we wish in 4 days :) Hope to see you in future GMTK jams!
An enjoyable play, took me back to the old days of power-ranger games. The cool emotion of being a extremely OP superhero, absolutely destroying thugs was definitely there.
Got myself this sweet score before the WebGL build started dropping frames very hard, unfortunately - I suspect a lot of things started spawning offscreen.
Stuff I think may use some improvement: the enemy spawning - I saw this feedback given below, too, so I'll just mention it here. I also think if the base attack was a bit more linked to the idea of scaling, it'd be cooler - the GiantDama and LittleThingerer are cool but sadly its cumbersome to use them when I can just brainlessly shoot and pawn most enemies with the normal bullets. Instead, if they were more frequently usable, and shot out, say, automatically every time they were up - giant enemies would crowd spaces, leaving less room to escape but also helping you by blocking others, whereas smaller eneies would be harmless and easy to weave away from... something to think about.
All in all, very cool submission! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Cheers!
A to-the-point, very fun game. Incredibly pretty, I'm a sucker for retro. The simplicity was appreciable, with the timer being completely visible in a large font behind. It let me zone out and play the game idly as I paid attention to it, and that's a commendable user experience to emulate.
Things I think may need improvement: The difficulty curve - it ramped very stably in the beginning, started peaking around minute 4, then had a bit of much-appreciated rest-time, but sadly never went up again. I stuck around till 8 minutes but I'm guessing it doesn't increase. Also, the game could support a lot of cool features in its current state -powerups, enemy types and so on to.
Solid entry, I'd be proud to make this. Cheers!
Hello, thanks a lot for trying the game! I'm glad you liked the music, we had a pro on our team for it.
I see what you mean with the head on top, tail on bottom. We actual;y ccame across that option during the development of the character controller. We decided to keep the "flipping" of the player because it was adding to the whimsical and carefree nature of the character and the game. We had thought it would be hard, as I see it has... but on the flip side, I think that is more because of the abrupt difficulty curve. If the game had a tutorial (which we sadly missed out on adding) and a steady growth of difficulty, perhaps it would've been better :)
Again, thanks for the kind words and the feedback, cheers!
A great concept and fun tools to go with it. There's the amazing background music ramping-up which is extremely fun, I want to learn how to do that! The art is pretty and has a correct amount of detail. The powers are fun and whimsical enough, and the lore to back them up (especially the "noxious gases") is logical.
Things I think may use some improvement: the character controller. I'm assuming this game is inspired from LIADS. If not, you should check out their character controller and gameplay. It could be incredible helpful. The main issues I had with it was that often, I was not actually in control of Earth, and would ram into other rocks or planets even if I react to them well. The feedback on gameplay was also a little incoherent. I couldn't really tell when the other ships would come, and then within 15 seconds I'd be surrounded. It was like I was getting SWATTED haha. I think some idea that there are rocks approaching, or a bunch of enemy planets, or whether there's cash-money-moolah ahead, would all help a lot.
Final words: I am a fan of LIADS, this was extremely fun for me. I hope you can make a post-jam version with some polish and mechanical balance. Cheers!