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Starlight Forge Productions

A member registered Jan 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hello, thanks for making this cute game! I had a bit of frustration with it though. It's a little laggy on my end but maybe just my laptop unable to handle the graphics (which are, by the way, cute and aesthetically pleasing). The shark got stuck in the middle of nomming a raft section at one point. I took advantage of the peace and quiet, but my duo suddenly stopped obeying commands and died anyway because the lady wouldn't stop fishing and the man wouldn't put the fish he picked up for whatever reason. A save function would be nice, but I'd also like to see an in-game command to exit the game and maybe some tooltips, as I had no idea why I couldn't cook the fish until I saw the above post about needing a lemon. Individual command input would be great too, so I can tell the lady, who isn't doing anything, to punch the shark in the nose instead of watching the starving man put down his lemon to punch it, lol.