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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really cool

Love the concept, though in the end I spent almost all time as the white ship, there wasn't much reason to go red. Fab graphics too. After about 150 points the game started slowing down, and by 350 it was snail's pace, not sure what could be causing that.

As a mathematician I love the theme. I found the gameplay a little tricky, mostly trial and error. Maybe you could have a tutorial where the entire trajectory is shown? In order to build more of an intuition.

Thank you so much!

Sorry about that, it's something we wanted to do but unfortunately ran out of time!

Cute monsters, and I think the combination mechanic is really cool. It took me a couple of tries to figure out how it works, and that's a good thing. I didn't like the way new monsters appeared on the grid because the solution was to try each level a couple of times and memorise where they would appear, instead of having to use logical puzzle-solving. But that's just my preference!

Really original and fun! My only complaint was it was too easy, I didn't even realise that touching the red bar would kill me until the 5th level. You could definitely make some cool, tricky puzzles from this.

Love the art, I would play any game featuring these beetles. The single player experience wasn't great, I'm not a fan of puzzle games where the main challenge is getting the controls to do what you want. But I think it would be fantastic fun for 2 players.

Love the art style and the way the slimes join together. It felt like my decisions didn't affect what was happening very much.

Cool graphics, fun concept, though I had the feeling of fighting against the physics. The solution to the last puzzle was super cool, but I don't think dropping the player onto spikes at the start is the right way to teach it - I thought you had just bugged the spawn location by accident!

I love the idea of enemies coming back as undead helpers! The feeling of building a private army of undead is really fun, even with such simple graphics. I would have liked more feedback, particularly on why my anger was going up and down, I couldn't quite figure it out.

Cool arcade game. I like that the squares move towards each other before the connection forms, so it's possible to predict where one will be. A cool feature would be a dash: higher risk of crashing but a reward of a speed boost.

Cute art, great premise, though I wish there were a bit more strategy than just eating the raptors as quickly as possible.

Your designs are really charming and have so much character! I can't pick a favourite but I particularly like Ponchoro (the mathematician) and Konpi.