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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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Space Quest 3D community · Created a new topic SteamDeck

I have had trouble getting this to work on the SteamDeck via Wine. Has anyone had any success with this?

In theory, the Windows version should be playable via Wine, but so far, I haven't had much luck.

I got this working quickly on macOS via the Whisky app, which utilizes Wine.

Just started playing this and I am enjoying the remake quite a bit so far. Great job!

I tried to get this working on the SteamDeck, but have not been able to get it past the Turbo Chimp intro screen. I'd be happy to collect some debug material, if that would help as having this be portable would be great!

If possible, a Linux build might also work for the Steam Deck.

Thanks again for doing this!