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SpicyGame Studios

A member registered Dec 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think something like that would be very useful — it would be really convenient to quickly search and execute actions from a single keyboard shortcut. Hopefully it gets released soon.

I enjoyed pushing penguins into the water.

great game, and perfectly looped.

Whenever I browse a game's comments, there's no easy way to tell who the developer is. Sure, you can look at the author's name, but I'd rather know at a glance who the developer(s) is just by looking at the comment. Most platforms like Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, and's Discussion Board feature have something like this but it's not shown in game comments. The Monogram page has this feature, but it's made with custom CSS. I believe this should be a default feature so you can easily tell the difference between the developer(s) and some random commenter.


Agreed. A keyboard shortcut to flip/move characters would also be helpful.

They're CC0, meaning they can be used for any purpose. Credit is optional but appreciated.

We've just added the Joker card and a new back design. Sorry for the late update. 😅

Yeah, we forgot about those. 😅 They've just been added along with 2 new back designs.

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It's CC0, so you can use them for anything. I've updated the page to reflect this.


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I love this text editor because of how cute and playful everything is but could you please add a "Quit" button so I don't have to exit fullscreen every time? Exiting fullscreen tends to mess up the formatting.

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Pretty cool game!

So I tried to play Stardew Valley...

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haha nuke go brrrr

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very nice.