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A member registered Feb 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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I agree about the difficulty,  extra time would definitely have gone to balancing :) Thanks for playing!

Great puzzles and wonderful presentation!

The monochrome style looks great! Really fun to reach out and grab items with the stretchy arms

Quite addicting, love the bouncy physics! A surprising amount of strategy to it too.

Good tricky puzzles! The 2nd level took me longer to figure out than I'd like to admit haha.

Simple concept, but the obstacles are well designed and very satisfying to overcome! All the art looks great too, especially the title screen!

Feels great to make a big swing! The painted art style looks fantastic too.

Can't run it like the others. Since it looks like a Unity game, just upload the entire build folder the exe is in and then it should work. I've made the exact same mistake before lol.

A fun puzzler with lots of potential for complex levels. I especially like the visual of the moves always swinging on the chain and that smash animation!

Wow thank you so much! The ships all use the same template for being controlled by either the player or AI, as well as its weapons and stats. So besides the art it was mostly a matter of plugging in values for each ;)