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A member registered Dec 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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bro's game is fire!

Thank you bro <3

added the sensitivity slider and more content!

wow this is so cool!
that explains why I mostly got wind and bees

(1 edit)

What a heart-warming story!
Thank you for making it!

Very fun mechanic and the art is nice!
I had fun herding the sheep, I just wish you made more levels
You did an amazing job!

"NOT THE BEES" - someone who didn't like bees.

It only took me 13 whole minutes to save Christmas!
I love the game, but I couldn't understand why I had to make toys at the beginning, I thought I'd get to fight them later on but I don't think I did.

I am mindblown! you made a complete game with different levels and challenging platforming!
Truly impressive!!!

(1 edit)

I couldn't start the actual game. all I saw was a cube breaking in half just like The untextured.. But I know how difficult frame-by-frame animations can be, especially in a game jam, So I'm still very much impressed with the game!
Your game looks wonderful from what I've seen on artstation and I can't wait to play it in a complete form!

I liked it! and yes, I'm a HUGE fan of platformer games.
although I felt like I should tell you that I walked into a banana by mistake, thus removing my double jump ability and making it impossible to continue the level with only a regular jump, as a result, I had to reload the level each time that happened.
Overall, I think it's a solid game! good job!

Thank you so much, we really appreciate it!

What a wonderful game!
It's super fun, and the achievements are a very welcome addition to the game <3

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Thank you!
It indeed was overscoped for a jam, we initially intended for a boss to spawn after collecting a certain number of posters, and we had an ending cutscene in mind after the boss's death. we even had a ranged attack (where you shoot projectiles that can damage enemies), and a feeding (sucking blood from enemies) mechanic completed!

Not that we couldn't finish the animations in time, no, the animations and assets were completed but we didn't have enough time to add them to the game, so the mechanics were hidden to avoid confusing the players and the boss was removed.

The game was supposed to start with a short tutorial showing you a woman crying in the spotlight (introducing you to the feeding mechanic).

That same woman would become the boss of the game, a vampire hunter seeking revenge!

We are planning to update the game after the jam to include all the intended content!

The game is an absolute addiction, and the soundtrack is amazing!
I dig the aesthetics of the game, it's a great entry!

Fun game with a very cool art style <3 <3
Love that you can get different endings, it's not an easy task in a game jam time frame, but you managed to pull it off greatly!
great job on the game!

I loved the game, the upgrades are cool!
the solid gameplay got me hooked for a couple of hours trying to get a better score
Very good game!!

Thank you!
We had so much content that we couldn't fully implement due to the jam time
so sadly we had to cut them! ;_;

haha! thank you for playing my silly little game ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for playing my silly little game ❤️❤️❤️
I love your video!

Amazing video, I love your editing style!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

no promises.. 

*Gasps* 😳

cheese.  👁️ 👁️

thank you so much 🧀

but be weary of cheese!!

indeed 🧀

thank you! 

I hope you liked the game!!

Great game and the art is fantastic!

what puzzles lmao xD

I am aware of the tunnel collision bug please download this build instead
sorry again, and I hope its okay for me to send this link here.

aw thank you so much ♥
it means a lot to me that this game inspired you!

I'm so sorry that you had to suffer through the 3rd level lol, but don't worry I'm planning to remake the game with better levels

Fun game!
Would've been better if the player had the spatula visible at all times instead of just appearing only when hitting the meat since it's kind of hard to control the direction of the meat bounce with just the curser.

Also, that dog looks like it knows my full legal name and address.

Thanks for the review, we had fun making this  game as hilarious as possible tbh
we wanted to add more goofy sounds but oh well...
I mean, the point of a game jam is to have fun, right?
glad you found the game entertaining!

Glad you enjoyed the game!

great game
now I feel like a real chief

Learned to cook eggs virtually, amazing game.
The inclusion of Gordon Ramsay made this game x10 better for me, I also found it funny that whenever I screwed up it displayed "Gordon is proud of you but he won't say it" lol

oh and my highest score was 16.

thank you!
I agree with that

Lovely game, and very creative with the theme
I got stuck on level 2 since one axe kept disappearing when hitting the guy on the top right.
other than that, I could see myself playing this game for hours! very good!

I love the visuals so much!
I enjoyed the gameplay as well

her loss, king.

thank you!