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A member registered Mar 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Oh gosh, I absolutely loved this! A perfect mix of spookiness and quirkiness. Loved the characters, story, mechanics, everything. c:

Thank you so much for not only making this but also releasing it for free! Like I honestly still kinda can't believe this game is free, wow.

(2 edits)

Ah yeah, I think I actually saw your posts about the sequel first, and that got me to check out the first game. The sequel looks lovely so far, and I absolutely can't wait(I'm really excited to learn more about Lynette, and for her to get her chance to shine), but please take your time and don't overwork yourself! It will be done when it's done, and I'm certain it will be well worth the wait.

Just please tell me it will have just as much adorable gay lady romance as the first game, hehe.

(1 edit)

Oh gosh, this was honestly one of my favorite gaming experiences in a long time, just utterly delightful from start to finish. Thank you so much for making this!

Chisa and Merel are the absolute cutest. <3

Love this! The mechanics feel really great. c: Looking forward to seeing you expand on this!

My best time: 2:30, only 2 perfect rooms though ;; I suck at the unlocking

this was so cute?? I love it!!

Really loved this! The art is super pretty~

My only complaint is that the player's hitbox felt like it was slightly bigger than it should have been, especially at the front of the ship.

GameMaker: Studio here as well!

Meow~ That little cat sprite is so cute.

Looks really fun, good luck!

Sounds interesting! Looking forward to see/hear more.

Good luck! c: