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A member registered Apr 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello thanks for the message. Story mode is still under construction. We have some testing areas open currently, but it's possible they are unplugged while we are moving things around.

Hello thank you for the message. Would you please come to the discord and create a support ticket with your issue? We will try to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Hello, thank you for the donation. I see the confusion. Our game is available for download here and donations are open but to play the game you need a subscription from either Patreon or Subscribestar. Considering what you've gone through here though, would you please come to the discord and create a support ticket with your issue? My guy Nico will hook you up with a month and some extra access, just refer to this thread here please.

Hello. Have you seen the minimum specs on the front page? I'm not familiar with the phone but anything less than those specs will have stability issues like you are describing.

Is your Wifi stable? If you can stabilize the wifi even temporarily this usually clears this up.

That's very good feedback thank you. Have you tried the automation button in the top right? It's the button that looks like the "unknown" pokemon. It activates a bit of an auto-fuck in any position. Although I agree we need to revisit how the scenes appear before you, I'd rather tie the mouse movement to control the "Steering" of the automation if that makes sense. It's something i've been thinking about for a while, and as we develop this new sex position (not mentioned here on itch) it's becoming more obvious that steering the automation of the penetration should be the default and switching to guns (manual) should be the secondary option.

I see. There is an automation button located in the top right? Have you tried this? It automates the movement to a small musical timing minigame.

As for the gameplay cycle, the game demo is more of a technological demonstration of our engine. I understand it feels a bit "floaty" but I would ask for your patience until our "Dialogue Battle" System arrives with Story mode and an open world that you can learn more about on the Patreon. Please see our roadmap for more info.

Hello, I missed your comment.
Can you direct me to info on the smart management in SDT? I'm very interested in learning what you mean. In my experience SDT had no open world.

Sounds like your hardware is insufficient. You need a minimum of 8GB RAM to run the game smoothly.

Can you share more information about your hardware over discord?
In my experience usually that is an hardware insufficiency issue. Do you have at least 8gb RAM on your device?

Hello are you still stuck?
Is your wifi stable?

Not sure what happened to the links but here it is;

Hello, it's taking longer than we expected but we're working on it.
Thanks for your patience.

I've seen that error before and it tends to be a resource issue. Could be your hardware is insufficient to run the game.

That's a good point actually and its something we're working on. This server structure is new to us so thanks for your patience.

We were having some difficulties with our server earlier this morning, can you please try again? If the problem persists please visit our discord and open a support ticket.

Please come to the discord if the issue persists

Please come to the discord if the issue persists


That's a fair question, we just discovered that we could publish our game to mobile maybe ~2 months ago, so for today the mobile has a cost but tomorrow that could change. We will consider it as we continue making new features available. What you could do in the meantime is leave a rating for our games here on itch and then you will have a free 2 week access. Interested?

Here's the guidelines:

I see, well they are both the same game but one page has the mobile download for android if you are looking for that.

It is possible that you downloaded a version of the game before the devlog for that update was up. Sometimes we stagger the devlogs if the updates come out later in the day, better for engagement.

Do you mean 0.5.8?

The Windswept haircut was added for Golden tier and the penetrative sex scene has had massive improvements.

Tonight's update will have make all the Golden items from this month available to Silver.

How to send the review from within game? The rating system is here on the itch website, it's the feature for rating games. I have a picture of the rating location in this image, it is located top right of the demo and developer edition game page.

Thank you for that wonderful comment, for the give-away, would you please rate our game pages and then send me your username in our game? I will send you your give-away access right away once that is done.

Yes, good question. It will be for every OS the game is currently running on, both desktop and mobile. 👍

Thanks for the nice comment! Enjoy your free pass.

Thanks a lot! Great comment.

I see that you voted on one page. If you vote on the other and then send me your username, we will get you hooked up.

Hello, another giveaway is now active, please see this post for more details:

Hello, mobile access is a recent addition for us and is considered a privilege as we experiment with our game. If you'd like to take part in our latest giveaway, you can test out the silver access on mobile by voting for our game pages here on itch. Please see this post for more details:

Hey, how's it going?
You will need to sign up through our registration to redeem code, there is a button for it at the sign-in.

Here's the discord:

FAQ Sign-up videos:

Either one works

Thanks for asking, it's a good question. If you were a giveaway winner, your current access pass is functioning as expected. The giveaway pass is limited and will soon transition to the free (limited) version of our game.

Thanks for coming through to the Discord support channel to resolve your issue.

Maybe so but our game is new and we use experimental physics not seen in other mobile games at this level of detail. It's demanding but my phone which was new in 2019 ago can handle it at 30fps.

We will take a closer look at optimizing it further when we have a chance, thanks for the feedback in the support forum on discord. That's very important that you get that feedback in.

+ A CPU made in the last 5-10ish years
+ At least 8GB of ram,
+ Nvidia 960 or above for a stable 1080p 60fps experience

It appears you're enjoying access to the demo version of our game which is currently in the midst of extensive and ongoing feature testing. We've recently introduced the male model as the default dom character, as originally intended, and as part of our indefinite testing cycle. At the moment, the most authentic version of our fantasy physics sex simulation game is the developer version. And for less than the cost of a bag of marbles, you can enjoy it as well. There are many things occurring behind the scenes and we cannot guarantee any features this early on. However, I can proudly say: No other features have ever been removed. This is a very important tenant of our game's design. So please stop exaggerating. Why don't you low key consider supporting my team's development efforts? Our game proudly features the best interactive 2D Futa experience available, and we need broader appeal to find the success we need among our supporters so we can keep the project running. Our small subscription price is well worth the price.

Please report to the discord support area and we can help.

Thanks for the nuanced compliment and constructive feedback. This is the second time someone has mentioned game breaking bug... When you have a moment can you drop a screenshot of what you are seeing and your phone's hardware specs? Either here or on the discord?

If we can recreate your bug, we can fix it. I personally haven't tested the mobile version in a couple of builds, but last I checked it worked great. I'll have a chance to test it again this weekend. But if you want to help and it is not a hardware issue, we can offer you another temporary pass in exchange for the info.