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Souder Studios

A member registered Dec 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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great mechanics keep expanding on the concept and you got a masterpiece

You have to go online and download the dll file. That used to happen to me with valorant or unity

the game of the year goes too..

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This is a new text based adventure game about an awkward kid on the first day of school. It's free and runs on your browser and even on smartphones. I hope you guys enjoy! First Day

This is a sequel to my previous game Wii U Simulator, check that one out too. You play as someone who has bought an Xbox One and sees all the bad on "" Disclaimer this game like Wii U Simulator is just an opinion. Check it Out Here have fun.

I know what you're thinking the Wii U sucks... I'm not denying that. So before you say "the wii u was actually good, you are nitpicking and biased 1 star" it's just a joke. So have fun and enjoy!


(1 edit)

when do you think the update will come out?

ps great game

Really fun game can't wait for your next game!

Wii U Simulator Wii U Simulator is a short but fun  game about "making" Wii U games. Disclaimer this is all about my opinion.