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Sophie Rose

A member registered Sep 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey, sorry it took a couple days to get back to get back to you! I looked into this and I'm not sure what the problem might be. I dug up the 1.1 version and rebuilt the Win/Linux distribution to see if that fixed it, but I don't have a way of testing on Linux so I can't verify it myself. It's uploaded as " (untested)", but I don't have the time to do thorough bug-testing so there may be some issues with it.

If that version doesn't work either, please email me at so we can dig a little deeper and figure it out. Thanks, and sorry for the trouble!

The Steam release will come when the final release of Episode 3 does! Hopefully by the end of the year, but I've missed such projections plenty of times in the past, so we'll see how it goes.

I don't know if I'd call them "endings," but there are six versions of that final monologue per character, yeah.

thank you so much!!

It does support Linux, yes. It's bundled with the Windows build. I'll see about getting it listed on the store page there too, sorry for the confusion!

Done! Sorry about that.

Yes it does!

ah, weird... okay, i'll do some more looking into it when i get home tonight

hey, sorry it took a while! i looked into it and might have found something wrong i did on my end, so i reuploaded the mac build as "" with that mistake corrected.  try downloading that version and let me know if it still gives you problems! sorry for the trouble!