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A member registered May 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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so at default settings it just immediately stops working when you try to move. after restarting the game and turning everything down, it seems like it's working, but as you move around it cuts out regularly. the audio is surprisingly not that crackly, but the game really doesn't like not being able to run at full speed.

the only reason we tried this is because we're daily driving a pi 4 mostly as a personal challenge. honestly tho, with the pi 400 being a thing, there are definitely reasons one might want to support it, altho yeah no we didn't expect this to work at all, heh. :D

the UDOO QUAD looks like it's a fair bit slower, so it should struggle even more! not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. :p

Just for fun, we tried to run this on a Raspberry Pi 4. Let's just say the experience wasn't the best. :D

np, thanks ^-^

(1 edit)


can you git clone ? .-.

(totally not using git just because I can never remember how to use tar :v)

I'm on Linux, full version, I continued playing for a bit (less than an hour, I think) after updating, before it got corrupted. I hope it's not permanently corrupted. :<

is there a way I could send you the save for you to debug it? I can get to the menu, and I *assume* I can start a new adventure... but I was hoping to keep playing my current one.

ah. done that, but nope, it still seems to crash. :<

thank you!

uh I ran into a bit of a "minor" issue... I extracted the new version on top of the old one and everything was fine for a bit, but now whenever I try to continue playing, the game just consistently crashes/freezes. what do I do now?

these issues aside, I'm definitely enjoying it so far ^-^

I think you should rename the "master" mixer to "main", and also I'd prefer if the on/off checkboxes were actual checkboxes because as it currently stands I'm very confused about whether the "box" is the selection or the colorful side is the selection. I think it's the colorful side that is the selection, but this is extremely confusing.