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A member registered Sep 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Can't wait to play your next game, it was really fun!

Nice concept, Had fun playing the game!

You should narrate in more games!

I really like the story and concept but unfortunately, I couldn't move about half way through the first level

I liked the concept, but it was difficult for me to figure out which card would fit.

nice game, but it was hard for me to understand what is going on, like the enemy life is going down ? Or how much am I supposed to hit him?, but I believe it was due to a problem with the screen size in the Brower, and it was enjoyable to play.

It would be nice if the game would pause for two seconds after selecting an upgrade to give you time to prepare for continuing, and after a while all other enemies would act the same as a slow projectile that follows you, but I had fun playing the game. I liked how you actually upgrade your enemy instead of yourself, and I liked all the effects.

Thank you for playing!

and yeah, after a while, the music started to annoy me, but I notice it only after the submission ended 

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

Awesome game, I love that you need think how you can prevent for getting hit by myself, but I do wish there were a way I could predicate what will the enemy or my self do when I am not playing them

Thank you for playing!
and for the feedback!

Yes, I realize that controlling them is difficult, but this was the best I could do given the time constraints.

(1 edit)

I Get the error "[LeaderboardCreator] Uploading entry data failed!"
right On the line of uploading new one, not on reset and not on getting the leaderboard, the error is simple on the function UploadNewEntry

When I attempt to add a name that is identical to one that is already on the leaderboard, an error occurs.