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A member registered Aug 04, 2022

Recent community posts

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Finally, a remaster of the old games, i've been waiting for this so that i can play them again after i lost the original free versions on my flash drive that got corrupted, i miss that old charm of your first creations, especially that one scene in the first one where you die in a specific zone, that caught me off guard and spooked me real bad. 

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in my personal opinion, i've already made a comment about this, but the old games are still very nice, and i think they could also be remastered for nolstalgia purposes. The one silent jumpscare that would trigger when you die in a specific red area in the first game spooked me down to my core, and i really think that he pinned the horror aspect down in that sense, and i would love to see some remastered versions or even just so we can appreciate how he started out. its not shameful to look at the rough past, think of it as a rough gemstone, not perfect, or sometimes even good, but it still has some sentimental value, even if it's ugly in even more than one way, its still beautiful in other ways.

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i've been looking ALL over the internet for a year after i lost the two old catto boi games on a flash drive once including frozen tuna. it would mean alot to have them back to stream to my friends and look through those weird files that did some funny things, including that one jumpscare that happened when you died in a certain area, that caught me off guard and was really disturbing, i loved every second of it, but i understand if the creator doesn't want them shared with a larger audience anymore, i see where he comes from, the game is a bit scratchy when it came to the gameplay, but he pinned down the horror aspect in that one scene i talked about. Maybe some remastered versions of the old ones could come out, so people could still experience the nolstalgia that i had.

im comfortable at 10fps dont know what you're on about

d e a r   g o d


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i cheesed the dream eater on max difficulty by getting him stuck on one of the bones, same with toeny, but i got him stuck in his dialogue

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looks like a game art style drawn by the "total drama" series, looks really good

also that duck looks like its that one duck from the game "Dread Weight", a sequel to that one visual novel "Cooking Companions", kind of a funny coincidence, or maybe its not a coincidence at all...?

i took just around 5 minutes of waddling around where i hadn't been. hopefully that helps you out, theres no bug, apparently alot of other people have had this problem too.

first of all, i am 15, and with mental disorders such as aspergers syndrome, major depressive disorder, and others. second, i was extremely hopeful of the game upon my discovery, as always

soundtrack release for last audio test?

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i think some ideas could be input to the game majorly. some progressive (unlockable) abilities, possibly boss battles (more than what was just seen in the film), secrets (or secret boss battles), unlockable characters, like the "jumpmo" you would see in the film (spoilers btw sryy). If you need help developing i can help, i dont have much experience with game developing at all, but i need some more knowledge and expertise before i can start making my own games. i am able to make alot of good ideas for games though, being a "natural at theorycrafting" (my friends say that).

edit: i just saw it uses godot engine, but i use "gamemaker studio 2", so if you do end up accepting, im fine with switching dev-tools

if you do end up needing another developer, my discord is "The Game Squad#8371" if you want to contact me

beat the game in 20 minutes, and again in another 7, not hard enough

mouse found in game banner background - funny

spear is now op if use glitch.

step 1
get spear

step 2
get sword

step 3
swing sword

step 4
use spear right after

you will now notice the spear will fire/swing much faster than intended, allowing you to lawnmower your enemies.

better yet, a way to cover up lava so it doesnt burn your walls

you usually just get the hang of it from playing it enough.

1: a massive bossfight that you fight from the inside out, or a boss that's similarly fought like starbound's final boss.
2: dungeon system with scaling enemies
3: bosses actually scaling with difficulty.
4: extra boss phases on certain difficulties (for some "But its not over yet!" vibes)
5: entire secret boss when reaching end of game when starting on hardest difficulty and never staying off.
6: endings depending on which bosses/optional bosses that you defeated :
- - -
6.1: bad ending for switching to peaceful from other starting difficulty (overridden by good ending and above
6.2: neutral ending for killing only required bosses
6.3: secret ending for insta-killing final boss (if there is a final boss)
6.4: creative ending
6.5: good ending for killing at least 2 optional bosses
6.6: best(?) ending for killing all optional bosses
6.7: TRUE ending for killing all optional bosses on hardest difficulty
- - -
7: d  o  o  r  s
8: funny easter eggs

i am a relatively new solo developer, and i really like this game, and think it could be so much more. this game seems like its running very low on community involvement, so i want to help development or community attention so this game doesn't become just an abandoned piece of what had such a great start. this game needs more support, and i am willing to provide, and this may also give me a larger stepping stone to work off of as a game developer. maybe i can assist with ideas or coding, whatever you would need.

this game is unique, unlike any other game i have ever played, (needs community content with community mods SO badly it would just add to the dank and the fun that could happen) and it is very special. i have almost no problems with the game content, only yearning for more content, such as; memes, references, and possibly different routes you could take (similar to undertale maybe) with a more in depth feature and some sort of different final boss or changed bosses or new bosses depending on the route. game also needs harder bosses or a hardmode to compensate with good players looking for a good challenge, or a few minigames/puzzles to have the game not entirely focused on fighting, for a more interesting gameplay that spans a wider range of players. would enjoy procedurally generated dungeons with puzzles and rooms in a later update, possibly with a much longer story mode, with the teacher at the start of the game (forgot her name btw) being just the final boss of the first chapter, and maybe a debuff to the weapon she drops. if thats too much to ask for one developer, then i could help with ideas if you want, (developer dm me if need ideas, i have too many) i could even help with the coding if you would like! (DISCLAIMER: i have no actual experience in coding whatsoever, and if you accept, i may have to take a while to learn coding, but would like to help anyways.) anyways, where were we?

oh yes, the game is simply incredible and cannot be put into words. it just has its own unique charm that no other game has, the experience was one i will never forget, and one that no other game has done for me. thank you for giving an amazing experience to me, others, and the community, and i believe you can make this game just as or even maybe more special than other titles such as "can of wormholes" and "undertale" was for many people, such as they were for me. good luck on your journey on juice galaxy, and other titles you may make. i hope you are successful, because juice galaxy will always hold a place in my heart, warm and welcoming. 

if you wish to contact me, my discord is "The Game Squad#8371"

if the game is about glitches i think that means it could be working

hanging plants, bird feeders and the mailbox hanging on a chain

excuse me what controller is used for this game? its not detecting my xbox controller.

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pretty good overall. its something more. it has a personality unlike any other. only one small question. did you make this yourself or did your friend really send this to you and you still cant solve it? If so i might be up for cracking the case. only thing i was really freaked out by was the "lost souls" (im going to call them that) and the peach corpse jumpscare. if you are able to answer this what is the "transfer" thing all about? If this is really a being that seeks for help, how can i help it?

i want to turn this little "game" into a full blown ARG, but if you want to turn it into an ARG, then you might need some help. I could help if you need me to, but back to the original. I feel as if there might be some secret code to enter into the keyboard to actually unlock the end of the level. if this is really a cursed rom hack from your friend, i possibly could look into the code and extend the end of the level to see whats past it, or it was something about coin collection? the files in the game actually said something about collecting all the coins to see the secret, so maybe it has to do something with that.

also for anyone who is wondering if this is safe to play, yes and no. it doesnt do anything, but i would still listen to the rules in the files just to be safe. dont respond to any questions, and close the game if you hear static, that kind of thing. im afraid i broke a few of the rules, but i wasnt speaking for the entire time. it says to delete the game immediately if your background changes, but luckily that hasnt happened to me yet. 

oh sorry

its a local multiplayer. not online.