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A member registered Sep 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think we probably mentioned the UVs in meetings 10 times but sometimes things slip, haha! It made us super happy to hear you enjoyed the game. Thank you for the feedback on the minigame-it's always nice to know where to improve.

Sorry if the minigame was confusing, we'll come back around after the jam to polish it up a bit. Thank you for taking the time to play and provide feedback.

Thanks for the feedback! We'll take a look at the story direction and triggers to make sure everything flows nicely.

One of our developers actually works up in the Arctic scanning pipes. He sent this photo from the slopes. 

How did we do? Click the image to let us know ;)

I can't lie, the last part where you are being chased after grabbing the key had me sweating! Nice well polished game!

PHENOMINAL SUBMISSION!!! I love the low poly design and the overall idea of taking photographs is truly a wonderful decision by the devs. I really loved almost everything about this game but I do have some constructive criticism; With the first ghost, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong to not see the ghost for about 1 min. I eventually figured out you had to stand AND look at the right spot I also did not want to "discard" the photo when I finally got it, maybe make it say "save" instead of discard when it counts?  With the ghosts in the playroom I got VERY confused as I actually photographed the one laying in bed multiple times, I was stuck here for about 10 minutes trying to figure it out. I also guess I ran by the bathroom door too fast for the beeper to work so I circled the map twice before I found the bathroom ghost. My biggest complaint overall though is the lore. The lore seemed like it was thought up in about 2 minutes. I know I'm a minority when it comes to this but I would rather read a 1000 word lore page than a quick one that doesn't really explain why I'm here. Okay so kids go here to smoke cool, am I a kid that smokes? did my kid go here to smoke and not come home? I just didn't grasp why I was there in the first place. (time for major praise) The ambience within your game truly rivals AAA titles. I can not explain how insane the goosebumps were when a radio would click on or when I would hear the THUMP THUMP THUMP in the hallway, The doors were a smidge too loud for me but I have pretty sensitive ears so that's on me. I actually hollered so loud I scared my cat with the final photograph, I knew it was coming but it still got me really good. Overall your game is a true contender in this competition, and Slothclap Studios genuinely feels honored that someone whom created a game of this magnitude even posted within our thread. We will be following your progress as the competition continues. Thank you for the experience.

PHENOMINAL SUBMISSION!!! I love the low poly design and the overall idea of taking photographs is truly a wonderful decision by the devs. I really loved almost everything about this game but I do have some constructive criticism; With the first ghost, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong to not see the ghost for about 1 min. I eventually figured out you had to stand AND look at the right spot I also did not want to "discard" the photo when I finally got it, maybe make it say "save" instead of discard when it counts?  With the ghosts in the playroom I got VERY confused as I actually photographed the one laying in bed multiple times, I was stuck here for about 10 minutes trying to figure it out. I also guess I ran by the bathroom door too fast for the beeper to work so I circled the map twice before I found the bathroom ghost. My biggest complaint overall though is the lore. The lore seemed like it was thought up in about 2 minutes. I know I'm a minority when it comes to this but I would rather read a 1000 word lore page than a quick one that doesn't really explain why I'm here. Okay so kids go here to smoke cool, am I a kid that smokes? did my kid go here to smoke and not come home? I just didn't grasp why I was there in the first place. (time for major praise) The ambience within your game truly rivals AAA titles. I can not explain how insane the goosebumps were when a radio would click on or when I would hear the THUMP THUMP THUMP in the hallway, The doors were a smidge too loud for me but I have pretty sensitive ears so that's on me. I actually hollered so loud I scared my cat with the final photograph, I knew it was coming but it still got me really good. Overall your game is a true contender in this competition, and Slothclap Studios genuinely feels honored that someone whom created a game of this magnitude even posted within our thread. We will be following your progress as the competition continues. Thank you for the experience.

Just played and I enjoyed it! I wasn't expecting to walk into a whole other dimensions when I found that first door!

I channeled my inner Lightning McQueen running through those hallways lol! I enjoyed the multiple dimensions and it was fun to explore! 

Gave your game a try and I was able to beat it! Well done!

Gave me classic slender man vibes! Great game!

I now have "Into Scylla they fell, wishing to avoid Chraybdis" ingrained in my skull lol. 

All I have to say is Into Scylla they fell, wishing to avoid Charybdis. (Great game :D!)

Very unique concept! I enjoyed the change of pace and loved the story!

Amazing game! I must admit I had to take a peek at the mouth breather 0.0 (It didn't end well).

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the check point feature, because I died a lot lol! Awesome game and loved the unique monsters. Felt like I was being watched the whole time.

Our character, lore wise, is 6 foot and some of the doors are 5'11. (We messed up design wise on some of the doors. you should be able to crouch through them)

Fantastic art work and voice acting! Really brought me into the game! 

Amazing game! You guys absolutely nailed it with the environment and use of assets in your game! 

I'm absolutely in love with the look of this game. All of the assets were amazing! Loved the spooky vibe the whole house gave off. 

Well done on your game! One of the scariest I've played in this jam. I always freak out when I hear something walking right behind me! Also loved the monster asset!

Just played yours and it made me realize how bad at typing I am lol! Awesome game and love the aesthetic!

Very unique game! I can confirm I now type at a whopping 90 wpm! Took me a while to catch on to what I was supposed to do when I had to type backwards but the pictures on the bottom helped me out!

Just played your game and wow! One of the best games I've had the pleasure of trying out thus far. Amazing art style and great story!

Absolutely blown away by this game! One of the best games I've played on the game jam yet! Loved the art and very interesting concept!

Absolutely blown away by this game! One of the best games I've played on the game jam yet! Loved the art and very interesting concept!

With only 4 days left to rate each others games, I wanted to reach out and let you all know that I’d love to support you all by rating your games if you comment on this post! I’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to rate mine in return. Your feedback means a lot!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone has created!

Thanks, and happy gaming!

Loved it! Very simple and kept me engaged. Great job on giving the player direction. Most games forget that the player didn't make the game so it was nice to know what I was supposed to be doing! Also loved the visuals!

(1 edit)

Came for the chairs stayed for the scares! Took me a lot longer to find the chair then I care to admit lol.

Never had so much fun bonking headcrabs with a frying pan. Only recommendation would be to increase the speed of the gameplay somehow and add a positive feedback to hitting the zombies. Otherwise, great submission!

The pixelated visuals look awesome, great colors and atmosphere. Maybe add some controls at the beginning and fade them out. The mug line cracked me up. Solid work. -E

Looking sweet with the loading screens and your custom splash screen. I got stuck on the stairs a few times, but the visuals and the story are cool concepts!

Thank you so much for the feedback, we'll check your game out too!

I like the concept! The monsters are great

This game was awesome! Very challenging! 10/10 would recommend


Well we had better play it on the safe side and do 50 copies

This game immediately reminded me of the SAS zombie assault games which I played all the time and it was a lot of fun to play!