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A member registered Jan 31, 2016 · View creator page →

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help!! I really am scare and confuse at the same time on what's happening to chione face became two!!(O ~ O|;|;|;|)

It would be better if Juliana & Nora to be together as Happy Ending?

Thank you

Umm….? Why does Lisa profile have a same with Crimson profile?

Ooh!~ I see, thank you

how come that, I don't see Mc appear except the other character?

Yes please!~ I still having hard time to figuring the Tik-tok time

Yes please!~ I still having hard time to figuring the Tik-tok time

Wow... It been long time, I haven't play Cafe Rouge but new version!?

do you know time puzzle?

Wow... It already been 2 years and still no update. I still want to know happens to Demian & Sinclair!! (TT   ~    TT)

Thank you!!~\(  '  u   '   )/

I still Curious what Renata meant by Him betrayed

Will there be Sequel?

Thank you~ I glad to hear and I'm so excitement for the next release!!~ \(^ //// ^)/

Please help!?~ I don't know where exactly to start download at Google Drive? 

Hello?~ I need to report about Battle Escape Error

hello?~ when will it start? i got excitement about CC and want to try it but it seem to me that you haven't done yet so i will wait till then... so please warn us if u haven't development yet, it makes my heart crust TT ~ TT

I need some HELP here please, there something wrong with the saving data TT~TT

Almost beat the fourth boss but................. the saving data is all gone and I at starting point from the very beginning again!!! TTnTT 

Arigato LadyWilliam-san!  \(≧∇≦)/

(1 edit)

where can i download  LoveMachine, Please Help~

Okay.... I will try your suggest

Yes!! that's the one main problem!! Even if I did boot up again and again, I still had start from very beginning again after i try save Neil chp14 and getting tired from start all over  (TT~TT)

At first the loading data were Okay when I try to save Dimitri chp 7

 it suddenly pop out 

I don't know how it pop out but I very annoy that's I have to repeat again and again. at first the loading data were okay again but its still pop out again after I start to load with Neil Chp2

here are some of the screenshot when i try save & load data it become like this

There something wrong with the Save data, can you please check Saving  data?

once again Thanks!

then Do you know how to combine Sticky stick with seed look a like wing?

A thousand Thanks for helping my problem (o≧∇≦)o

Do you know where can i save data?

I already had Loliball

Hello! I need help some here and there something wrong with the combine. I try combine a stick and fishing line  but Yuk said: that makes no sense, no, ??? and why?. it support  to make toy for Little fluffy and second is where exactly the Nail??

Please Help!! (TT~TT)