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Sleepy Game Studio

A member registered 44 days ago · View creator page →

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It was a really fun game to play, nice idea and execution. Love the dancing animation.

Love your game! Gameplaye is good with clear instructions what to do. Lack of music is a little bit sad(no music even after 3 restars). I don't find much errors in game, only the music and ther was sometimes small collsion of roof/ground so even if my character seems like jumped sucessfully, fell and died

This is really cool pixe game. I love the movment and style. Homover there was some issues. In web compilation on site the first start was fail. The game just don't created a player. Second, all interactions was shown as from pad so I get really cofused what to press. The music is also good one!

I really like it! The collision is okey and I can feel the controls, map is fun to drift. Homover after 5 rounds. I don't even fail once because the enemy stuck on start after ramming into me. So game lack of losing condition

(1 edit)

Interesting game with good idea. Gameplay is solid. As played for first time it's interesting with good fight. Homover as I replayed it my character get hands in inside body so I could not hit that easy enemy.