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A member registered Mar 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is so good I wish I could commission the artist themselves because how good they are, very creative monster girl designs and actual good stories for the anthology with them thematically fitting!

Both good art and writing.

It's oddly only because of 3rd party sites was I able to find this. If this hadn't been posted on a 3rd party site I would've never found this nor your content.


Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International 

which means yes you can use it for your commercial work.

I have commercial use for said file and I have ownership of said file. Artist who didn't give me commercial use for said file I don't give away for free on here. You can credit both of us but legally speaking in the contract I'm the owner of said original file.

Hey I got a Parallax background cave art now.

I'm 4 yrs late but you probably should've watermarked your work.

I don't really buy AI art is all and I want to avoid any legal trouble at all cost and community backlash; just let it be known it's somewhat AI generated. Your actual made yourself Vol 1-3 look good btw. Also you could use an RNG generator for certain values to create noise on said work if you want to ease the workload.

(1 edit)

what is parallax?

edit: I don't

I mean this with all due respect; please make it harder for people to steal your art, the reason other forms of art don't have as much trouble with the preview image versus pixel art is because pixel art has fewer colors to fix/ change.

I don't want to come off as a dick but this looks like it's AI generated or made by a Perlin noise generator.

I know I'm necro bumping but that's the rule for ALL assets sold from IRL to digital. If a pack of items is updated, you get what you paid for and hope you got in at a good time and not after the fact!

This looks beautiful! This is very well done, much better than my cave art. I envy your artistic skill.

You might want to make that clear in the description of the product so people aren't blinded sided by your art. No offense but the AI art style doesn't have any... personality to it. I don't think many people are going to buy your art if it's made in AI or just make their own AI art instead.

Don't get me wrong; not all artist that use AI art and then clean it up are treated like this just... most of it's, "meh" to people.

Not to be rude; but I can't tell if this is AI generated; I'm on the fence if it is.

Thank you!

No one expect me has downloaded the 7Zip file; everyone is sticking to rar for downloads, so far from the studies/ surveys I've done; people are sticking with rar for download.

So the choice that says ".7z" is the actual 7zip I assume?

Ok I added a 7zip file; let's hope this brings in more people to my stuff.

I can? Let me try

Thank you for the advice

I'm not advertising; however I would like to know how to increase the number of people who use my art/ engage with it. Do you guys show off all the assets, use specific elements to grab people's attention, etc. I would love to know what I'm doing wrong, thanks.

I mean true but why half ass it?

I'm an idiot; THIS is how you're supposed to show off your free assets! This makes sense then. I'm not shilling, just looking for advice is all.

Done and done.

Thank you for letting me know and made the following changes to the meta data.

Use it any way you see fit; hell re-sell it if you so desire. If I don't put x or y stating what you can and can't do with it, that's on me for not establishing the rules of use with it.

Thank you!

Hey there; if you need SHUMP assets,

I recently made some free assets.

Why would you lazily apply the watermark, the watermark is INSANELY easy to bypass!

Looks similar to something I made, I'm not saying you stole from me, I just find it funny how we came to something similar.

It depends on the info you feed it. An AI is only as good as the info you give it.

I think this is where the confusion is; what I mean is an AI trained on others level design/ level layouts. Not the art itself but using other people's levels to train your AI for building.

That's good to know.

Note; I'm just posting what I asked on Newgrounds onto here.

 didn't know if I should bother the owner of this site with the question or not or to even ask this in the first place.

However long story short for future endeavors I was toying with the idea of using AI generated levels instead of human made levels. Please note I'd still be using assets made by me and possibly using levels designed by other people to train said AI.

On one hand I want to cut down the workload on future projects, long story short a platformer/ brick breaker style game I have sitting on the back burner because I'm a bit more wary about this question.

Yeah, yeah I could hire an actual level designer to cut down on the work load but I'd rather not spend the money to do so. I know this is a slippery slope. I know for this site you're not allowed to put on here/ have AI generated art, of course I'm not doing that unless I am using my own art and training my own AI with my own art and not other people's art.