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A member registered Mar 23, 2018

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(1 edit)

Nice and re-playable story with an intriguing setting . The game is almost frustratingly short, causing much of the backstory to be lost in one playthrough. Adds to the sense of responsibility and loss, though. Well done overall.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this game, knowing that so much of girl x girl content is fetishizing and plain awful. This turned out to be a feel-good game, at least in my opinion, with comfy slice of life type action about working in an (eventually) all-girl  office, an accepting and non-homophobic father figure, and wanting women. The game also touched upon the atmosphere around lgb issues in Japan and what it may be like to live as gay there (it's not always very easy). Despite this, the overall feeling of the game stayed light-hearted - something I very much welcome, being gay myself, as concentrating too much on discrimination and angst would have easily resulted in a feel-bad game. The gameplay itself was decent, and the voice acting somewhat amusing at times (it's not necessarily a bad thing). I'm happy I gave this game a chance and will be looking forward to playing the other two routes as well.

This is a very short but nicely playable piece. It reflects well some of the thoughts and feelings that can occur when going through the gatekeeping process of gender care. I would assume that the game is thought-provoking and somewhat eye-opening especially for someone who has never been in the position of the patient themselves. Bonus points for the mind-warping point of view that is presented both in the very beginning and the bad ending, about being a therapist "saviour". There's a reason patients may not return, and it's never a "victory".

No but you can stash them into your inventory

Behold my pride and joy, the powerful and mysterious (and pretty!) mushroom