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Here is Storm Crusader, an endless top down action survival shooter type boat game! I made the soundtrack for it and my friends did the other stuff. I'll make sure to try your game too if I can (I'm a mac user)

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Appreciate the feedback!


Most windows applications need admin approval to install

It needs admin privages? try bypassing that. I swear we arent trying to take anything from you lol. Might just be something in game maker that we forgot to turn off

Fun mechanics, a nice quirky soundtrack, high quality sprite animations.... I'd buy this

Lots of of good fun to be had here. That boss is tough!

I'll make sure to check out your game! Here's mine I made with my team (I was the composer for it) -

Like others have said, the idea of charging the turret with the storm clouds and being able to move it is really unique. This could become a stand out game if given enough time and polish. Keep up the awesome work guys!

I suck at these games but nonetheless I had fun playing a couple rounds. Great job on the art design, it's really pleasing to the eyes!

I am still shaking from that jump scare

Please finish this

Low poly graphics and electric piano music was so inviting, and then the storm started... Thoroughly impressed

This game has some serious potential. Its already fun, and the game loop is nice. Keep it up!

I really like how this game looks! Would suggest a pistol or something like that for the robot to carry so he's not completely defenceless. The beginning is hard to survive and collect money with just a single turret. I really like the music you picked as well, its killer!

Was super fun to mess around in. Would gladly hop back in this for hours just to vibe in the town waiting for imminent destruction

I enjoyed exploring the wacky island and interacting with my fellow rag doll men. Also beating the pulp out of tike myson

My friends and I created a game about Boats and hardcore top down shooter survival. Enjoy!

An interesting experience, glad I was alive here to see and hear it

I don't know what was happening but I liked it!

Thanks! Will do

(1 edit)

My friends and I all put our best effort into this game. It's called Storm Crusader! We are proud of the final result, and may work on developing it into a more complete project in the future. My task was making the music for it, and I had a lot of fun creating it. My personal favourite track is played during the storm.

Play the game here - Storm Crusader