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A member registered Aug 10, 2024 · View creator page →

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I see what you mean, thanks for the feedback!

hey that’s actually a really good suggestion, thanks for the feedback!

thank you!

drywall canvas, that’s a good way to put it! Thanks!

A very chill and laid back soundtrack. I especially enjoyed the third track the most with the synth and chords you did! Definitely has that space adventure vibe to it. I could get lost in the galaxies to this music.

(1 edit)

I liked how dreamy the first track was, and the bells were a nice touch!

Second track had a more spooky sound to it which I liked, I'm guessing you went for the whole tone scale challenge with this one? 

Good job on both songs. I would be interested in how they would turn out if extended!

If I could suggest one thing it would be give the bells in the first track some reverb!

Great job on this! Chiptune and whole tone scale fit well together. And I applaud you for keeping the song dynamic as I find it can be hard to do that with chiptune music! It sounded just like I'd imagine dungeon music to sound with that journey element tucked right in.

If there's anything I could suggest, it would be to find all those resonant frequencies that are more fatiguing to the ears and cut them out.

Really well done with the whole tone scale middle part. And the more melodic sounding arrangement in the rest of the song was so good. The live drum playing added a lot to it. As a fellow Logic user, I approve!

thanks for the feedback! I agree

Very impressed that you wrote the whole thing in whole tone scale! The simplicity of it worked really well for the piece. Bravo

All I would suggest is maybe a second half that changes it up a bit. add like percussion or something

Esta foi uma peça orquestral realmente adequada para o tema da jornada de um herói! Você fez bem em encaixar a biblioteca de instrumentos de uma forma coesa Uma sugestão seria ter mais dinâmica com o trompete principal. Tente tocar com a velocidade da nota!

Quite a memorable piece. I would describe this as an electronic symphony! The way you put everything together turned the song into a journey, and thus you nailed the theme in my opinion! And in a creative way too.

I don't have much constructive feedback for this. Maybe you could turn this style of piece into a little series of electronic symphonies? I think that would be cool and unique.

Thanks! You understand what I was going for well

interesting take on this! The use of a whole tone scale definitely made it a more dissonant and mysterious sounding piece. Makes you wonder if this new hero will last long enough to be known as one...

I would suggest having another solo instrument to do a call and response with the flute. I think this could add some depth to the track!

(1 edit)

Good job using the whole tone scale! it fit the vibe of this piece well. I liked the synth you added halfway through as it kept me engaged. The ambience you created with the track was well done.

If I could suggest one thing, it would be to make that second half more noticeably different than the first half. I think it would bring home your idea of back tracking more! 

Great job on the song! Keep it up.

This was a really enjoyable set of songs to listen to. Definitely got that fantasy/folklore sound down. My favourite was track 2, Allons-y. I liked all the instruments and sounds you chose, they complimented each other well.

One thing I would suggest is to make each song a little longer! There's so much you can with each one and given less of a time constraint I can see this being fleshed out more into a full soundtrack.

This is awesome! It reminds me a lot of the music from Pokemon sword and shield (ex. Marnie battle theme). I loved the main synth and the all the guitar stuff was sick.

Not much to add in my opinion, I think you nailed it.

I liked how you made each track distinct the others while maintaining consistency with the style and ideas! You did a good job telling a story about the hero through what you wrote and the music itself. I want to play this game now!

I don't have much to suggest except maybe think more about how each song loops. Solid pieces all around!

A fun and solid battle theme! I liked the chord progression you made, especially the electric sounding piano you chose for it. There were some good change ups and sharing of instrumentation.

One thing I would suggest is having a more noticeably different chord progression in the bridge, I think that could grab people's attention as you throw them right back into the satisfying hook after!

also forgot to mention but Logic Pro gang!

Nice work on this! I liked the different harmonic ideas you put together and the modulation at the end was really satisfying. Also you did a good job giving the song breathers with rests. It added to the authenticity of the song and introducing the hero in a real way!

One thing I would suggest is playing more with the stereo field (panning). I think it could add more engagement to the already phenomenal piece!

Solid piece all around. Definitely has that Pokémon style to it. The part in the middle where the percussion falls back and it's just the melodic instruments really struck a chord with me. It may not be a traditional "hero's" journey, but in this game, Giovanni could very well be seen as the hero of the story. So I think you did a great job!

One suggestion I have is to give some more reverb to a few of the instruments to put the song in a contained atmosphere. They do sound a little dry without it.

A well rounded soundtrack with consistent themeing and a robust overarching story. Call me impressed. The Marsh March was my personal favourite. It had that fairy forest sound with the cute mallets and spiccato strings!

I would suggest adding some jungle and forest sounding ambience throughout the OST to add more atmosphere and immersion for the listener.

This is actually a super interesting submission here. I wouldn't personally listen to this piece on it's own as it goes all over the place, HOWEVER I think it would work perfectly with a visual medium like an animation of the hero going on the journey with all it's highs and lows. (Probably a really silly animation) It is definitely a journey of a song and the sound quality was well done on the mixing side of things!

I'm usually not too big on hip hop style beats, however the way you mixed it with the electro-orchestral instruments was a great creative decision! I really liked how the song evolved (like a hero's journey) and the outro was whimsical and cute.

If there's one thing I could suggest, it would be to use that bass drop sound less. I think it could make it more meaningful if it was more uncommon throughout the song. You could replace some instances of it with other fun sound effects for extra ear candy!

This was a really cool experimental piece! I liked the sounds you crafted and how they slowly evolved over the course of 7 minutes. The live performance video was also a huge flex. 

I'm not sure I saw where the "Hero's Journey" theme was in the piece, but I understand if you kept that intentionally vague. A fast paced fighting game with this kind of music would be hecka trippy though for sure.

I really appreciate how much artistic thought you put into this small soundtrack! Playing with odd time signatures and using instruments to represent characters is a smart move and sets this soundtrack apart from others. I enjoyed  the instrumentation choice! I presume some of this was recorded live, because it sure sounds like it and I appreciate that. 

I did notice some distortion/clipping, especially with the flute, but a bit more  time to mix would fix that pretty easily.

This is a fun little song. I can definitely imagine it playing in a game boy game about the titular potato hero! The arpeggio was a very appropriate choice for the song and I liked your chord choices as well.

If I could suggest one thing it would be to give each synth some sort of solo, as the arpeggio melody plays throughout the entire piece and might benefit from some scarcity.

Orchestral music is a one way ticket to hero fantasy style stuff, and you nailed it with this one. I appreciated the balanced orchestration and opportunities for different instruments to have their moment to shine! The main melody was catchy and I'm already humming it in my head as I type this haha. 

If there was one thing I could suggest, it would be to have a more creative ending that can loop back to the beginning, rather than just fade it out.

A really interesting take on an intro sequence! I enjoyed what you did with warping the sounds and the vocal chopping.  I think the song could use some sort of main top line melody. Probably a synth one as I'm not sure vocals would mesh well with the vocal chops.

This was a really fun soundtrack to listen to from start to finish. I love the racing theme you are going for combined with the breakcore sound. The synths you used were ear candy, and the melodies and riffs were quite catchy. I particularly enjoyed that silly sounding synth and walking bass line in the last track. 

If there were any changes/fixes I would suggest, I would of liked to hear the various synth melodies more clearly. I feel like sometimes during songs, they were meshed in with the other instrumentation and could of shone brighter in the mix. I would also ease up on the compression in more intense parts, but I understand that's generally part of breakcore music.

A cool collection of soundbites for sure!

Hi there! Thanks for listening. Those sounds were used to give extra atmosphere to the track. They are mostly paper and crumpling samples. I was going for emulating electricity and old office objects being scattered throughout the maze that still work. And musically I wanted to do something else for the percussion instead of always doing regular drum sounds every time

I experimented a lot with this one, hope you enjoy!

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Innocent and then dark. Would be interesting to see how this could be expanded into a more fleshed out story. I like the art style, it reminds me of Undertale but if it was a side-scroller!

Here is Storm Crusader, an endless top down action survival shooter type boat game! I made the soundtrack for it and my friends did the other stuff. I'll make sure to try your game too if I can (I'm a mac user)

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