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A member registered Jan 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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U.F.O community · Created a new topic User Feedback
(1 edit)

If you have any issues or recommendations, or simply want to say how great the game is ;), then you post about it here.

Loved it! The controls are smooth, the music is happy, very original. I'd say this a very solid entry. 👍👍

Cool! Here's a tip for that level. Listen to your character's footsteps. Use that as a hint to where he is on screen. Stereo sound recommended.

Indeed. It also looks like you forgot to export to Mac too.

Could you give a description of what the game is about please? :)

That doesn't matter. I already saw it, and even if no one else saw them, they'd be in the squashed reply. 

Also, can you at least censor out the offence word you used?

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Ah ah ah! Language Cap'.

Also, can you please condense your replies down to one? Just edit the comment you want to keep with the other replies, and delete the other replies.

Dude. Please. Read the rules again.

This is an exclusive jam which means that entries made to both this jam and others will be removed unless otherwise allowed by the organizers (Stern Flowers).

nope. You're responsible for what resources to use. And to reiterate the rules on the main page,

Reusing existing code and assets is allowed.
- No re-skinning of games made outside of the jam.
- A majority of the code and/or assets must be made in the jam's time frame.

No that's a good thing! Use that time to build your skills in the areas I just mentioned. You'll be more prepared, even when you don't know the theme yet.

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1. Remember what I said about keeping your posts short and simple. I suggest you don't make such a long reply chain in such a short time frame, but instead edit already existing reply to include what else you want to say to reduce clutter.

2. The theme will come once the jam starts; that's in 2 days so you'll have to wait until then. The only way you can prep yourself until then is by learning some general Godot knowledge. UI building, Scripting, Collision handling, etc. That way you can at least a basic game with any theme.

You can find that out in the main page. That was the link I gave you here.

Great idea showcasing some of these games. And thanks for the criticism. Now I know what to do better next time. :)

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Yeah it's a 2D shader. :)

It's base is a seamless noise texture. The colour of the noise is sampled by a gradient texture, but the sampling coordinates is offset with time to make it look alive. I'll share the shader code later.


shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D noise;
uniform sampler2D color_ramp; uniform vec2 offset; varying vec2 UV2; void vertex() {
UV2 = VERTEX / 800.0;
} void fragment() {
float color_off = sin(TIME + FRAGCOORD.x / 50.0);
COLOR = texture(color_ramp, texture(noise, UV2 + offset).rr - color_off*0.015);

COLOR.rgb *= mix(1.0 - length(UV - 0.5) * 2.0, 1.0, 0.7);
(1 edit)

Wow! This is like, the opposite of my entry. xD

Good job. :)

Micro Infection community · Created a new topic Leaderboard

Post your high scores here! You must also post a screenshot of the game with the score visible for proof.