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A member registered Nov 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)



A game with a lot of personality with its gameplay, art and music. Would definitely play again!

When Lunar Index 2 coming out ??

Really cool concept! 

Curious to see how this can be later iterated on!

To be honest, I thought I was playing something akin to Minesweeper cause I've never played Nurikabe before.
Furious at first, but little by little the game started to click for me and I started to really love the game. At the end of it got a chance to experience something new and look forward to playing again. I even beat the game 3 times of all difficulties cause I just wanted to play more. 
Good stuff and great way to introduce Nurikabe!

For a auto battle RPG built within the constraints of a game jam is impressive!

At the moment, it just needs to provide the player more feedback when hovering/selecting things.

(1 edit)

Love this concept! Visually entertaining and refreshing gameplay!

The "HELP" could have been a bit more refined explaining what are the "enemies" we are attacking. Additional feedback when breaking or attacking the enemies would be nice.  In -game, "Back to Menu" appears to break the game as no enemies will spawn in. However, closing and opening the game again will fix it.

Really hope you continue with this or at least publish a fleshed out/polished build in the future. Had lots of fun!

Low RAM usage, great visual style and gameplay to boot!

My only real gripe would be the controls. Even though the controls are listed upload page, it assumes the player is familiar with X and Z as inputs (if using keyboard) in the menu and in game.
Maybe using the ENTER key would be better as one of the buttons, to help users navigate the menu?

 It would be nice if the use of the theme is a lot more prominent in the game itself. 

Other than those 2 points, I really enjoyed the game!

Low RAM usage, great visual style and gameplay to boot!

My only real gripe would be the controls. Even though the controls are listed upload page, it assumes the player is familiar with X and Z as inputs (if using keyboard) in the menu and in game.
Maybe using the ENTER key would be better as one of the buttons, to help users navigate the menu?

 It would be nice if the use of the theme is a lot more prominent in the game itself. 

Other than those 2 points, I really enjoyed the game!