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A member registered Feb 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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very nice and smooth.

i would like to learn more about how to write different tween functions. is there a way to code something like a brief screen shake? maybe throw some widgets around a few pixels at a time. 


this is what i've been up to. i love decker.

i modified one of the windows 95 fonts pack to include graphic accentuation and be able to write in portuguese.

you can also find and look at over 10 pogs.

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Made a character stats sheet for one of my game ideas, but I figure this could be useful for more people!

Feel free to download it and tweak it to add more stats or change the points field cap :)

I see! 

Thank you for answering; the snap back workaround will do just fine!

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IJ, once again I'm in need of guidance. 

I have a question regarding the rect module. I'll ask here to avoid creating new posts:

is there a way to have to use rect.constrain to keep a draggable canvas outside of a container instead of inside? I wanted to create backgrounds with "pseudo-collision", for example, making it impossible to drag your character onto a table or keeping the character within odd-shaped spaces. 

In the following image, I drew an X over areas I want to keep the draggable character away from.

Thank you!

decker is the future!

Nice, thank you so much!

I didn't know about Shadowgate, I loved the way it looks :) I barely knew about Hypercard when I came across Decker here on itch. It's great to see the original stuff.

I kept trying different approaches and arrived at the card.copy[]/paste[] solution by myself; but yours obviously is more elegant and will save me a lot of time.

I'll give this a go!!

I actually figured it out. There really is something to be said about writing down your problems.

Here is the full system at work:

Letter people are saying their opinions about letters you show them. If anyone is interested, I can share my process later.

Hello, IJ and Decker community!

I'll go straight to the point. I'm building an adventure game on Decker and I want the deck to be able to do the following:

1) Have a card that stores every item the player can get. In this game, items are draggable canvases. I'd say I already know how to do this.

2) Have another card that keeps track of what items the player has.

3) Obviously have gameplay cards.

4) Once in gameplay cards, I want the deck to know, at any given moment, which items the player has. I figure this can be done with a simple if statement regarding which thingstracking's checkboxes are true.

5) This is where I start not knowing very well what to do. Once the deck knows which items the player has, I want the gameplay cards to display that item.

6) And maybe this is the trickiest bit: I want the next card (gameplay2, for example) to display the item in same the position it was when the player left the previous card.

I tried a few solutions already but I'm fairly certain I'm doing many things wrong, so I won't burden this post any further with my failed attempts. Instead, have a cool image:

Thanks in advance! Decker is great!

Parece Bordado de agulha.

example. i wanted it to look like a tv but all stretched out like this it gets a bit alien (although it's still nice)

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thanks for the swift reply :)

i see! i was just playing with a custom border i drew when i thought of changing the size and position of the whole text window. i wanted to create different card compositions by throwing the textbox around in different moments of the story i'm coming up with. 

maybe i'm thinking about a mix between a canvas (or field) and the dialogizer box, where i can choose the place where the window will pop when prompted.

hey there, internet janitor! 

could you tell me if there is a way to mess around with dialogizer's window size and position?

SEU conforto em primeiro lugar!!!!!

this game fucking rules

oi amg! vc está usando windows?

obrigado por ter jogado e pelo feedback! mais feedbacks já estão na lista de próximas iterações :)

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made a godot splash screen


this is too good

and find larry i did. amazing game!


só de vc jogar e tirar um minuto pra escrever aqui, já fico elogiado o bastante!! muito obrigado :)))

fico MUITO feliz que seu dia foi um pouco melhor por causa do meu joguinho!!! muito obrigado por jogar e pelas palavras <33

agora deve estar um pouquinho melhor de navegar! vou tentar arrumar melhor durante a semana :)

fala nathan! muito obrigado por ter jogado!

fico muito feliz que tenha achado o jogo estranho e nostálgico, estava mesmo mirando nessas vibes.

conto com você pra jogar o resto quando estiver pronto :)))

fala wendel! muito obrigado pela tentativa! 

agora já deve estar funcionando melhor, só descobri que precisava ativar a barra de rolagem agora D:


desculpa pela inconveniência e obrigado pela tentativa, rebeca! vou tentar arrumar isso e updateio aqui