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A member registered Feb 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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I wanted so much a super-basic typing tutor with some features to make it fun that I ended up developing one myself and publishing it here.

This is my first project on this awesome site and community and my first serious project made with Godot engine. I've dealt with lots of the engine bugs but finally did it and thinking about adding some extra feature, like importing eBooks or making the key checking more customizable.

Here is the link to the page and some screenshots.

Mio dio cos'ho appena giocato

Well, I guess I have to put some other hours into this masterpiece again.
Thanks for the update <3


Awesome background @_@
Is it possible to use it for commercial purpose?

P.S.: It's so cool you answered me @_@
I follow you since years and I love what you did with your precious blog (that I find one of the most interesting game making guide blog) and games like SpelunkySD in witch I've spent months!


Thanks a lot for the answer. I started checking out what you suggested and everything has been resolved disabling WebGL. I'm so happy it was not one of those mysterious gimmicks that GM sometimes gives.
It's strange thought, as I thought WebGL'd taking care of most of the compatibility problems during the export instead of complicating them (I also had some graphic glitches that are now gone).

Just to give more infos:

  • I was using Chrome, but I've tested it also on Edge and the result was the same.
  • I was not calling the function in a draw event but in a global mouse button pressed.
  • The application surface was enabled. The canvas was prepared to be saved as a screenshot thanks to a previous sequential draw procedure.
Thanks a lot ^w^
Your help made my day <3

I'm using GM: Studio and what I get after using the extension's command (I've inspected also the example project and it seems I'm doing nothing wrong) and after saving the image is a completely black image (interpreted as completely transparent image in Windows's images viewer) with the resolution of the canvas in witch i'm running the HTML5 game exported.

The strange thing is that your demo works just fine on the same browser (Chrome) and with the same simple call you show. Am I maybe forgetting some simple basic concept or mechanism in GM that could interfere with my project?

Nice tiny game. Hope you put some kind of leaderboard, it'd be interesting to see the results of people fighting for the anus

Already played and reviewed on GameJolt.
I love this title the way it's coded and the meaning that I related with.
A very nice work ^.^