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A member registered May 03, 2017

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Kalidwen went away for a few days but wrote:-

"Could be Friday, could be the weekend

I'll update y'all as I go when I'm back ^^"

So maybe by the end of the weekend *fingers crossed*

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I'm not sure why Kalidwen hasn't made a post about this over here (she's just too busy I guess lol) but a new confirmed release date has been announced. Chapter Three is now scheduled for release on Friday the 16th of February, and to be honest I'm feeling pretty confident about this one. So it might just be time to start getting excited fellow Elven Kingdom fans :-)

Kalidwen has a Discord server and is active on there so don't worry Chapter 3 is still very much alive and in development :-)

Now that's the kind of response I wish all games developers would give to bug reports lol Thank you Kana :-)

Version :All, OS:All, Build:All

Nurse is too beautiful, I can't take my eyes off of her whenever she is in the picture.

I know Kana Sensei is supposed to be the star of the show but the Nurse, wow she just does something for me lol.

Each day has got better as we go along but Day 3 knocks the previous two out of the ballpark. I just have to see Kana give the Nurse (and the two shrine girls) Over The Knee spankings while they are dressed in their full uniforms/outfits and my life will be complete.

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Playing about an hour a day it's taken me 5 days to play day three and I have to say it is excellent Kana, thank you so much for such a brilliant game, the storylines and situations are incredible and very creative. And I've still got four locked spanking scenes in Kana's memories left to find so there is plenty of replay value too.

Wow, lots of new content coming in Day 3 -brilliant, thanks for the update :-)

Lets see if Kana Sensei gets her hands on that naughty Snowgirl this time lol.


With at least 2 more chapters after this next one, there will be plenty of time to go back and make EK even more varied and full of naughtiness!"

Woo hoo!!! Chapters four and five confirmed -that's made my day :-)

Art at 10%, OMG that does sound like a lot of work lol. I love that we are going to be travelling in this chapter and back to the Elves city at that, I wonder if we'll pass by the Academy on the way or if the dragon will make another appearance in this chapter.

Regarding sex scenes with the major characters......... yes absolutely, that would be brilliant!!!

If you remember I originally wrote a spanking turning to sex scene for my character in Stonehold ha ha.

I'm very, very excited Kali, there are some amazing new characters and outfits this week, it never fails to amaze me how you just keep coming up with new ideas and designs. So what race is that last lady then? She has Elvish ears but horns like a satyr, is she a crossbreed?

And are you still planning to introduce a new level of spanking to the game, where the characters initially get spanked over their clothes and then on their underwear and sometimes bare bottom?

Wow, so much information in this weeks blog, where to start lol. The new characters both look amazing and yep I agree with you about Orcs being typically stereotypical, regardless of which game/book they appear in, so it's great to hear you say how you have plans to expand on their normal tropes.

Interesting that the human character is a "special character" I can't wait to see what that actually boils down to in the actual game and nah I don't think these behind the scenes snippets ruin anything for anyone. There's no harm in showing pictures of characters, you can't tell just from a picture what their personalities are going to be like or anything about the storyline they will be featuring in, if anything by featuring them in BTS articles it just means players are more likely to keep any eye out for them in the game.

Personally I would like to see five parts to Elven Kingdom, that seems to be a nice solid number to work towards.........although six episodes is an even nicer, round number and what most UK sit-com TV series tend to contain nowdays ;)

Oh and did somebody say VOICE ACTING!!!!!!

I completely agree about the backer characters and they really do add variety as well. My character in chapter two fit really well into the game and the way you interpreted her appearance based on the description I sent you made her look completely unique to every other character in the game.

I was so impressed with what you did with her Kalidwen I had no hesitation whatsoever in immediately purchasing a submission for another character for part three and will no doubt create another one for part four and so on and I urge other people to do the same because it really does add a personal touch to the game to see a character pop up that you know you had a hand in creating.

Regarding the card game, are there going to be special character cards which feature all of our favourite characters from the game, like a Maera card for example?

I have a soft spot for Tyria so yay!!!! and wouldn't it be hilarious if Claire has left her previous employer in Stonehold because of all the spankings she kept getting and she's now got a job somewhere else and low and behold in the process of a quest the main character just happens to randomly visit the new place she's working at and Claire ends up getting spanked ha ha.

Wow all these new mechanics and the fact that they aren't just for the new chapter but being updated across the whole game including previous chapters, incredible!!! And it's due out in March/April -I'm amazed and incredibly excited :-)

This easily sounds like the best chapter yet and that's saying a lot because so far every release has been outstanding. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the card game works, you could have hit on something big here kali :-)

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I just read your update kali, it's all sounding very exciting and I'm over the moon that we are going to be seeing lots of returning faces, you already have an amazing cast of characters so to have them show up in different places is definitely something to look forward too. I love the idea of different pictures/story elements based on a morality system, it's an intriguing idea and will add loads of replayability to the game. All sounds amazing so far.

P.S. The Princess returning as a major character for Chapter three WOO HOO!!! Come on who doesn't love the Princess :D

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It was brilliant, thank you Kana. I don't want to give too much away but that scene with the Snowmiss was amazing, the music, the camera angles, the action, that was triple AAA quality stuff right there. Overall, day 2 itself was great, a lot longer than I was expecting, maybe a few too many unusual spanking positions for my tastes and not enough normal OTK spanking and I would love the option of spanking the girls dressed fully (over their clothes) then partly dressed (over their panties) and then finally naked, rather than just naked from the start -I almost had a heart attack at the end of the game where for a minute I thought I read the option to have Kana spank the nurse over her knee with her dressed in her nurses uniform but nah it didn't happen lol. I'll tell you now Kana, if you were to go back into the game and add extra picture options giving us the choice to spank the girls fully clothed and then over their panties and then fully naked I'd send you £20 for each day/chapter immediately lol.  Also, Rias needs a damn good spanking over that sexy Kimono of her's ha ha.

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I don't want to keep joining loads of different websites and giving out my card details again and again and I certainly don't want to commit to an ongoing monthly payment but I already have an account here at Itch and if you had had a tier where we could have downloaded the early access version for say £5 or £10 I would have snapped it up in a heartbeat. Too late for this release now but maybe something to think about for the release of Day 3 Kana :-)

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Awesome, we've got some cheeky Snowmiss spanking to do lol

Wow I thoroughly enjoyed this game, can't wait to see day two, amazing work kana!!!

I found a crash by the way kana. In EXE32 my computer repeatedly crashed every time I reached the image that shows the girl stuck in the hedge kicking her feet but in the non EXE32 version there is no crash and the whole game plays through without any issues :-)

Oh well that's life, I'm sure a few more weeks won't kill anyone and if the prequel and Chapter One is any indication then Chapter Two will be well worth waiting for :-)

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Yay can't wait, I'll be glued to this page all day waiting lol

Another awesome game Kalidwen, I love this art style with the huge expressive eyes, the voices add a special dimension to it as well, I'd love to see this advancement carried over to Elven Kingdom.

I originally wrote this as a comment then realised there was a proper place to write reviews so deleted my comment and wrote it as a review instead and now can't work out how to read other peoples reviews even though I can see that there are five others of them so I'm putting mine back as a comment again -sorry all.

Just finished my first playthrough of this amazing game. I've never seen a game based around spanking before and I'm so glad that the first one I've found is of such high quality. The backgrounds are nothing short of stunning, a lot of them have moving elements to them as well so aren't just static images.

The game contains music and sound effects along with many, many spanking scenes of some of the most beautiful Elven girls you will ever see and lots of written dialogue and multiple storylines that are just as interesting in their own right and a few mini-games. The dialogue on each page is kept short and to the point with most pages containing just a single line of text so you're not constantly trying to read through walls of text and because of this the game flows nice and smoothly and quickly.

Stats wise it took me around 3 hours or so to complete my first game and I unlocked 35 out of 75 gallery sections (some sections contain a single image and some of them contain multiple images) The game is like the old "Choose your own adventure" books with the player being offered multiple choices and the results and situations change depending on the choices you make (you can even name your main character who I called Saracen which as I played seemed to fit her very well), so I would estimate that in order to even have a chance of opening all of the gallery sections you would need to play the game a minimum of three times, which I don't think would be boring at all and indeed shows just what good value for money the game is if you decide to get it.

All in all I think Kalidwen should be commended on an outstanding job and if you are interested in FF or MF spanking this game is well worth every penny of whatever you choose to pay for it, I personally paid $10 and after just playing the prologue alone felt compelled to come back and sign up for the $50 tier in order to show support for the game and have my own character feature in the next chapter and now I have completed the game I don't regret that decision at all and am already looking forward to my second playthrough which I'll do in a couple of days. Thank you Kalidwen for a unique and fascinating game.

Very interesting so far, took me a while to work out how to move and access things on the desk and then finally stumbled across the help cartridge which made a few things easier (ordering supplies for one)

I managed to build a second module easily and assign crew members to quarters, built a power generator and next I'm going to try and build a garden so I can grow food rather than import it however I note that you need to import waste in order to do so (even though we have toilets which I would have thought would create waste by themselves) but unfortunately waste doesn't appear on the supply order manifesto every month so that could take a while.

I echo other peoples thoughts of needing a save game option but that's pretty obvious isn't it lol so I'm guessing that's pretty high up in the devs pipeline of things to do, I also echo what people said about not having music in the game yet -isn't it eerie playing a computer game without any background noise, you don't notice how important that a basic feature is until you don't have it anymore.

Oh I also had a module completely fill up with smoke without any obvious cause too but I haven't had my station blow up yet lmao.