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Shepherdia Studio

A member registered Oct 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing ! I agree, making a few more animations and having a clearer success/failure mechanism could add a lot. We are excited to try and do more with it.

Thank you! 

Yes, we definitely want to take it in a more fleshed out direction. We focused primarily on getting the first mechanic down of counting fish.

I love the idea of leaning into the rhythm/music game!

Do you have backyard chickens? Or maybe someone you know has chickens? Ever thought about training them to do amazing things but weren't sure where to start?

How To Train Your Chicken is a 2D Sim Tutorial that starts with the very basics of chicken training. You will learn about positive reinforcement and  get experience training in the virtual coop, with your own virtual chicken.

Free to play in browser (Made with Unity)

(My First Game)

This was great! It made me learn bug science in perhaps the most enjoyable way yet.

Thank you!