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Shenanigans Games

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That's a good idea, there's definitely some extra feedback I could add for various events and that's one of them, I think something like the ice cubes starting to crack would be a good indicator, and would properly display the fact that shooting them again resets the timer.

Thanks! I'm hoping to publish more in the future.

Went through all the levels and had a good time, really neat animations & audio

Really enjoyed the game, actually finished all the levels, really love the menu that mimics the Nokia regular menus, the little touches like the tire marks and sounds once you reach a certain speed.

When it comes to the level layouts, level 5 gave me a little bit of trouble as I wasn't sure I could cross the line to the left of the parking spot. Similarly, in level 8, I expected I had to go left instead of right as the last turn. Additionally, there was some empty space there that made me believe it was the right way to go. In general, the unpleasant losses were due to hitting something that wasn't visible in the screen I was currently on. However, I got through all the levels! 10 took me quite a while to adjust the car.

I also identified two technical issues - on Firefox, the size of the phone's screen doesn't scale up. Also, after failing a level in the 'Replay Levels' option, the failure message shows up. You can rapidly skip it, but if you do, after a few seconds, regardless of what you are doing, you will be sent back to the main menu.

Thanks! I actually noticed the difficulty isn't in the best spot and didn't have time to make adjustments to make it easier.. This is partly why I made the game generous with restoring your extra lives when finishing waves/levels, and why there's a level select allowing you to choose any of the 7 levels to start from. I managed to finish it, but that's because I kept playing/replaying it to test it, definitely a lesson to get others to test the game as well and get a better idea of the difficulty.