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A member registered Mar 02, 2017

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This game is very confused about what it wants to be.

Why does it take 1 minute to travel to a leveling zone?  Is it an idler?  No, because I have to interact with it constantly.  I have to tell it to hunt.  Not hunt too long, though, because if I set it for too long, I'll exhaust my meager healing items and die, winding up back in town... where I don't heal.  Because healing requires a timer.  For reasons.

So it's not an idler.  And yet... I can't DO anything while I'm sitting here watching text scroll.  By.  Slowly.  Want to heal?  Nope.  Have to set that up to be automated (if you can find the save button, hidden under the chat box).  Because inserting 'consume healing item' as your next action is not allowed.  For reasons.

In fact, if this game is anything, it's a simulation game.  It simulates all the time real MMOs make you waste doing the grind... without any actual content.  It's just that.  Watching a timer count the time you'd spend playing an actual game.

(3 edits)

A few typos here and there, and a number of issues with the UI (like not understanding how the minigames work, or knowing what a dialogue option would result in)... but all in all, the overall story was captivating.

Normally, I can see a plot coming a mile away, but the pacing and the development of Oathbreaker really had me too wrapped up in the story to even think about how Season 1 was going to end, making the reveal unexpected and delightful.

Hopefully, the next engine will allow you to spend a bit more time refining the user experience, and maybe if we're really lucky it'll be easy enough for you to use that you'll remaster Season 1 into a single, cohesive distributable as part of Season 2*.

As a side note, if you decide to go with Unity, feel free to drop me a message if you need any tips.

*edited for clarity